Open Letter to Bill Gates
Dear Mr. Gates,
Our Grandmother’s were good friends from Enumclaw, Washington (Helen Kramer). From a sense of our ancestors, past and future, I ask you to reconsider your opinions on Weather Modification and Genetically Modified Organisms. Please study permaculture and how weather patterns are affected by the way that we grow food. (I especially recommend the book ‘Farmers of Forty Centuries’ published in 1911)
The laxadazicle way that the promoters practice both geo-engineering and bioengineering is frightening, reckless and obscene. The promoters refuse to study, in earnest, the long term effects of applying neurotoxins to our atmosphere because they don’t want to know the results –thereby they test their theories over our heads and on all soil. Thsee formulas are theories. The secret recipes work to modify the weather but at what cost to our commons? All of this is not supported by science if the trajectory is followed over more than a few years. Who will be brave enough to honestly study these things? For now we race for these things in the name of commerce (I mean…”saving the starving children in Africa”) and everyone is wrestling to get the lion’s share of what they see as multi trillion dollar industries. “No regulations needed” because everything is proprietary. The Environmental Protection agency should now be called the Corporate Protection Agency (I see a trend that the ultimate goal is to make “water the new gold”… this is treachery).
How do you merchants all agree with each other? You are not stupid but blinded by dollar bills and power. You are rich and powerful- fine -but that does not mean that you are superior to the common man. Please help us, instead of hindering, and you will find that you are a happier man.
Many Blessings,
Nancy Williams Brickman
Friday Harbor WA.
Roy Orbison