
Monday, November 26, 2018

Different Worlds

I look at the carnage in California that 'they' are calling fires and I don't see one shred of evidence that these are actual fires. I see a lot that says they are not fires. Fires would burn the trees first/ fires don't go in straight lines. Fires don't attack houses first. Fires scorch.
Fire follows certain laws. We would not be able to have a combustion engine or a wood stove if it didn't follow these innate laws. we woudn't be alive because every cell in our body depends on the energetic combustion.

My poor countrymen who are so programmed that they see a forest fire when looking at these pictures. It is insane! and they call me a crazy conspiracy theorist! Look. Yes It SUCKS! BUT WE HAVE TO LOOK AT THE PROBLEM TO FIND THE SOLUTIONS!

My choice would be to turn Raytheon and the other energetic weapon based corporations to dust.

Sounds like the contrails could easily have these mixtures added. scary.
Thermite plus microwave perfect storm.
The Perfect Storm pre-program the collective programming.


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ode to California

California is the State 'they' (the neo's or the psychopathic voodoo brotherhood -and sisterhood) wish to break up into manageable parts and then Texas.
How much time do we have? We are out of time. No more time. It is TIME.

They use Directed Energy Weapons and we are to scared to see it when it is right in front of our eyes. Searing them shut won't help. They are after any free thinker first and then the slaves. Let's see what is the recipe they use now? through the media so that we all agree the truth to be what we are led to believe instead of actually using our whole spiritual perception to perceive.

Follow the money... This is what I would investigate if I were a true citizen... The houses that were not destroyed. Who owns them? What are their connections. The fire Marshall of CAL would be suspended and watched his contacts and codes. Which military industries might he be affiliated with?
Follow who they have busted for talking. Who initiates gag order enforcement and threats? Follow the coverup. The media bundles that the California officials put out? Who is in charge of the publicity of these fires. It is called disaster capitalism because the beneficiaries are in place before the disaster. Who are the beneficiaries of the fire
It looks like some can be seen on a map. Agenda 21 map and the light rail plans map.
I am thankful that so far WA state shut down the attempts that they made in August this year. I hope that we have sincere Fire Chiefs in charge from now on in all locations through out the whole world. We have to defend ourselves and that is through spiritual means first and foremost. And blossom from there.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

No News is Good News

I am studying alternatives to our crazy world. Pretty much I only have been watching vert little news a sprinkle of Jimmy Dore and Kip Simpson.
I have learned about Van living, tiny house living and aircrete. Now I wanna make some salt.

Our media wants to stir up division, Unity is the only answer. No more News! Let the news come out of fashion.

The pshychopaths want to start the new war... energetic weapons march down our lands....

WAR is for the corporations and no other reason....pretty soon they won't need soldiers...Veterans are treated as threats or they make their money in the war against the people about to wage...for security.
Why so many homeless vets? Think about it.