
Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween elections patrol calling all cars

Dear Randy Gaylord: sj county prosecuting attorney on the canvasing board
It was nice to meet you.I hope you will understand the importance of making double-sure that all aspects of our votes are protected, from chain of custody to tally and transmissions of votes. the old saying "fool me once.." comes to mind (2000 and 2004).
eerily, on Jon Stewart - The Daily Show-they played a clip of GW Bush, a few years back, saying that "we need to bring the Central Government to all small communities" or something to that effect. Add Robert Gates having been on the board of "Vote Here" doesn't help my sense of ease about the
brad freedman

bar code side entrance steal. I want to rest easy and sure that I did every thing I was called to do, to ensure a accurate and true election in this great County.
Again, It was nice to meet you and thanks, Nancy brickman
ps I know that we all want what is right and true.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 7:08 PM
Subject: Fw: hand audit required. spoonamore voting - Google Video

Dear Milene, OCTOBER 31, 2008

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Belated I am sure

Thank-you for your patience today.

I will be brief. It looks like you will need to do a manual audit before you certify the election.


Nancy Brickman be well

Washington Revised Code RCW 29A.60.185: Audit of results.

Prior to certification of the election as required by RCW 29A.60.190, the county auditor shall conduct an audit of results of votes cast on the direct recording electronic voting devices used in the county. This audit must be conducted by randomly selecting by lot up to four percent of the direct recording electronic voting devices or one direct recording electronic voting device, whichever is greater, and, for each device, comparing the results recorded electronically with the results recorded on paper. For purposes of this audit, the results recorded on paper must be tabulated as follows: On one-fourth of the devices selected for audit, the paper records must be tabulated manually; on the remaining devices, the paper records may be tabulated by a mechanical device determined by the secretary of state to be capable of accurately reading the votes cast and printed thereon and qualified for use in the state under applicable state and federal laws. Three races or issues, randomly selected by lot, must be audited on each device. This audit procedure must be subject to observation by political party representatives if representatives have been appointed and are present at the time of the audit.


  1. Doris the Elections Supervisor

  2. Randy Gaylord

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 2:41 PM
Subject: spoonamore voting - Google Video

Dear Milene,
It was nice to talk with you the other day before you had to rush to the ferry. I want to implore you to watch this video. I think that it would explain to you why I am so strongly concerned about our elections these days. I ,as I am sure, as well as you want to be sure that this election has all eligible votes counted and the only way that we can be reasonably sure of this is to have random audits. The logic test is not enought - as you will understand after you view the Spoonamore statements on these videos.
Thank you, and may things go smoothly for you.
Sincerily , Nancy Brickman 378-5356
po box 1641