why are we acknowledging the name change? It is Burma. Is it so we don't notice
the stead of the force destroying a culture , an ancient culture, the force that is practicing for the thrust of militaristic corporate society here, for 'freedom' and for our own good. For our own good they secretly experiment over and on our heads.
Weather Modification, mind modification, All together now. Don't see the obvious. They can control the population with the threat of starvation. Fear. Ooooh scary. It is the best and only means of control over humanities innate force towards Freedom. Freedom of Spirit.
So if we can understand the phrase : the only thing to fear is fear itself. We can move away from the Paradigm of Empire. Which is the shriveling concept as we leap in growth toward the power of spirit.
On Obama
secret service , a man and a women plot together. They need to be taken away put in prison for treason, but I'd put Cheeney and Wolfowitz and Chertoff all in prison for treason and hand them over to the world court -if I was in charge.
The women has light brown copperish straight hair that is an inch or two below her shoulders parted slightly on the side , sunglasses - of course. I don't get a read on the male except he is close in whispers to the women who is his superior.
The connection to the Family is obvious if someone cares to look. Careless lacking large hole in security. Someone needs to fill the hole
It leads directly to the lady in waiting and the ex president first man wanna-be. Michelle Obama is a target too.
A Wellstone Moment. Rove 'together again'.
How does one get around a totally corrupt Justice Department?