
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Naval Insanity

Naval Insanity
The Navy has plans to increase its experiments with weapons of mass destruction off the coast of Washington, Oregon, Northern California and over and in Idaho.. This means poisoning our Air, Water and the fragile ecosystem of our Ocean and Habitats. The Environmental Impact Statement Draft is written as a sales pitch with hidden information that fails at explaining the impact that their war games have already had on the waters and skies and airspace surrounding our continent. For instance they say that the Orca population is stable when it is on the decline.
The implementation of increasing the testing ranges footprint and scope is a threat to our Sea life and indeed to all of us. Already, rarely a day goes by without our skies being infected with persistent con trails of military type jets, this is affecting our health with the chemical recipes that they are experimenting with floating into the air we breath affecting the trapping of harmful UV rays from the sun, poisoning the water we drink, We in the San Juan Islands have a high rate of illnesses,that includes all sorts of cancers like leukemia. Lupus and MS is also on the increase. If you watch the skies, you will see a constant application of vapors or jets with applicator plumes that appear to dissipate but if you watch you see formations of clouds or fog in their wake. A natural sky is now a rarity. Do we want even more flights?

Do we want our waters to be ruled by a false idea of protection which will really kill that which supports all life on this planet and which gives us a collective joy?
Please read the documents on this link:
then go to documents and down load individual titles on lower half of page

The comment period ends March 11, 2009 This is an Emergency You can Help. We need you.