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Monday, April 13, 2009

Collectively things could change in a snap

“Unity contains all force and is the cause of all things.” ----Advanced mumblings directed to sensitives-----
My interpretation of this statement.- in regards to Empire:

We could have a world
where we were taught to feel the natural unity of all things
where our fellow man was felt in a deep sense to be our relations
where we let freedom be a force that defined who we are from within this unity
Free to serve all of our relations

Instead we are taught that we are our bodies
we are separate. we have to defend our body
we are taught that human nature is flawed and evil
and I agree that it is if it is when it is separated from spirit
because without spirit other entities drive our thoughts and feelings

So you ask , aren't the other entities a part of us too?.

This is the crux. Like in our body we have cells that communicate and support each other in order to be unified with our body in this physical universe. If the membrane of the cell is weak or undefined the cell won't function in its role to be a part of the bodies song. It will hinder the body, like in cancer. I

We are in bodies – the Entities of Empire- the ones which influence this planet in becoming a prison planet – don't have bodies – they invade by the lie that they make us powerful. This is the lie.
Because brave soul who has a body – we are actually in charge, I want to say period end of story.
Here is the test if you work with angels, guides, archetypes of Gods and Goddesses, the Christ or any of the Saints, If you say, back off. Give me space – get out of my space- the true helpers of humanity will back off. If they don't – you- we -I- have the authority to remove them from the game, in a longterm manner. We have to do this without the glue of fear. It can be fun. It kind of has to be fun.
So go jump on a bed or something. Be joyful and unafraid. "HE is Risen"
