
Friday, February 12, 2010

Code Rainbow

quickly whats on my mind today is the amping up for slaughter in Iran. I am not going to use the term "War" any more. It sanitises murder for the profit of a few. We have to look at the truth of 911 because if we don't we are doomed to another hit by the same bloodlines.This will make 911
look like a roadside bomb. The plans are still in the works only delayed. Code rainbow lets get going. Who is in charge of the ports is my first question?. My second question is what was going on within the physical capital building during the snow days? It needs to be swept and the underground areas need to be checked. The underpants bomber was an advertisement for the technical strip search. Not real but a hoax so we will say yes you can see my privates. Whooo hoooo. just clearing my mental chatter.....We all know more than we think we know we just have been taught to keep our hands over our eyes or shall I say Eye Lisa king a fellow Massage Therapist at Lavedara Day Spa said " we have to water our pituitary like it is a precious little seed." I love that image. Water with Light. and expand it to the whole world and beyond. Blessings to All