What if in every community across the nation, cells of spies were set up? Spies who lurk around the grocery store or who are across the street, or even could be driving in front of any American citizen. The recruitment tools could be the nearby college campus* or some of the Churches. {My town seems to stem from a Church} Church people probably could be HAD for almost volunteer prices.} The goal being that every community has a tag on anyone who might raise a ruckus about things going on around them. So in essence, when the poop goes down, people like me, will be easily found and easily neutralised. This is the "Continuance of Government " in action. Homeland Security !Slumbering masses are easily manipulated by the media. Anyone can be Demonized! So Hurray for persistent contrails. Hurray for the police state charging through your door( or sneaking and peaking in your mess of a room) Hurray for ignorance!
kidding aside, Hurray for us - F**kn Retards - All!
*see Democracy now. org feb 9, 2010