
Thursday, March 18, 2010

glenn beck

OK so before I get on the ferry, I go to get my son something to eat at "the Doctor's Office" and puposely avoided one of the group that thinks they are protecting us, the sweet energetic match to others that I have already written about. She forgot the cardinal rule and went to her partners in breaking the Constitution. So I got to face them. Father light beard friendly almost happy energy, mother, wife I assume mean and angry hateful vibe. They were driving a Eddie Bueyer four by four. 6C 86878 (not sure of the numbersand will correct tommorrow if they are wrong) Montana plates- I have to get the correction from my car tommorow. Dark green and this time for sure racks. Then to beat all . A women in purple jacket and Elizebet Taylor style, with hawiian shirt oblivious guy was taking pictures from the deck of the ferry, of everyone getting on the ferry. A few good men saw this too. at least I assume. I had to stop myself from yelling at them and am still upset at the "thousand points of light" watching us watching us watching all of us, but missing the important stuff. What else can I say but beat my chest and say, A Police state is thumping down our road, I want to turn onto a different path, one with flowers and bees and real clouds. Maybe now I can sleep.
Written about Tuesday I got used it.