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Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program
Congress established the Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program (PRISP) in 2004 to recruit and train analysts and linguists who are committed to a career in the Intelligence Community (IC). NGA uses PRISP as a hiring bonus for individuals with certain hard-to-find skills, and to fund reimbursement of previous educational expenses or continuing education for current NGA analysts and linguists who have less than 24-months employment with the Intelligence Community. PRISP nominees must meet the following basic eligibility requirements:
1. Be employed as an analyst or linguist
2. Be a pay band 3 or below
3. Have less than two years employment in the IC (former contractor and military experience do not count against the two year window)
4. Receive supervisory endorsement
5. Sign a service agreement for 18 months of continuous employment with NGA in exchange for each award
Ode to Pippen stardust in my eyes
the pink petals danced in the wind
when I opened the door to cry
My dog who I forgot
until you said good bye
I love you
you loved your freedom
like a
good Husky should
you are free now to travel the stars and
then come back to lick me on the ear.
the wind blows for you today
Pippy died April 26, 2010
what a good boy