
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Look up in the Sky.... Its...........

I collected rain water last night through the night. I got about a half inch in a clean glass bowl.
I took a taste and it reminded me of when I was a kid and they strayed the trees all around with poison, We, neighbourhood kids, would dance and play in the spray.

If anyone is reading this try it at home next time you see the application of the two recipes- one is white (Persistent) or metallic looking (almost invisible) or forming the angle wisp clouds and then they add a dark colored line sometimes brown sometimes a dark deep grey. The two are usually applied before it rains. Geeze sorry to pass this info on but really you got to start becoming aware of this even if you don't want to. Its big. It could kill most our pollinators and then where will we be? /the word that describes it to me is we will be "fucked" and if that word offends you and war doesn't offend you then your thinking is "fucked up"