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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wolfowitz Directive Gave Legal Cover to Detainee Experimentation Program

TRUTH OUT Thursday 14 October 2010 {click title}

Politically Correct / Wrong

One of the first things that the Bush administration did was to keep the USA out of the world court. The Democrats went along with this= for the most part. The media at the time was promoting lying - saying that everyone does it at least ten times a day. NO WAY! Not everyone. Not most people! scum bags do. The mainstream media promotes scum bags- why I would go so far as saying that the mainstream media is plum full of Scum Bags.
I will vote. and I will vote mostly Democratic but the party was pathetic in their caving in- when Bush was king, they gave him most every thing he wanted . John Bolton as United Nations Ambassador for the USA. Bolton a fascist. and I say that with knowledge of what a fascist is.
The Dems let John Kerry live out his personal Bones pledge to his Bones brother Bush. He did what he promised us he wouldn't do - he shriveled when there was election fraud in Ohio and fraud spread throughout the land. He gave the election to Bush. I watched, as treasonous Novak commented on CNN. I cried *
The Dems must be taking salt peter - they were afraid to be branded 'the party of no' - but have allowed the Republicans to hold the stage, and be the true party of NO
. who are willing to destroy our country for their own gain.
The democrats, put no pressure on the Supreme Court for their treasonous behavior. They Voted to confirm Alito and Roberts (after Robert's and Alito lied under oath).There has been no move to Impeach or arrest or(since its legal to assassinate US citizens - Obama's pen no -I don't mean that just throwing their pitch-if they are suspected to be terrorist -)the members of the Supreme Court who voted and expanded on the case 'Citizen's United' are terrorists in my book - threatening what little we have of the Constitution. Those five members of the court are willing to destroy our Democracy for their own gain and status. They are more of a threat to this Nation than Iran .
The Dems are always in campaign mode. wringing their hands"oh me! oh my!". throwing each other under the bus- Fuck it. Give us passion. Give us Truth. Give us our country back. The stage is set for another theft of our elections and we are supposed to suck up and take it. I think it will be the end of our country if we hand the GOP back and back which is our future-without careful monitoring of the handling of our ballets. Oh me oh my Secretary Reid a pox upon your schemes.
Drug Test? Me?

*after sleeping in Reagan International
(thanks mike malloy)