
Friday, December 10, 2010

New Leadership and Senate Rules

Dear Patty Murray,
I believe that Obama is making a grave mistake by conceding to the Republicans without a fight, so the Congress and Senate now have to defy him. I understand that the economy needs the stimulus of money in the hands of the middle class and poor. but it seems that the leadership has allowed the filabuster to be used in a way that it never was intended. It was intended that the one who filibusters stand in the chambers for the whole extent of the filibuster. Because of weakness of the leadership we have gridlock. ?Get a nw leader next session. Harry Reid is worse than Tom Dashell, who I celebrated when he lost his seat. He has wilted on the most important issues. Reid needs to go. The rules need to be revamped. Filabuster should only be used in extreme cases and they need to stand when they do. I am about to change back to being and independent and stand back and watch things crumble. Thanks Patty. I am a liberal who thinks we need a new new deal and not a prison industrial state with popper prisons and no 'entitlements' Privatized every thing and dirty dirty air. That's where we are heading because of the leadership not because of the Republicans.