I feel betrayed by Obama. He could have held strong making the Republicans show their cruel cards. I will not be voting for him next election. I will vote for a third party candidate. As a part of his base, I don't like being kicked in the teeth again I was a part of his engine and I feel sad to turn my back on him now.. The Republicans still want to take him down and they will because Obama's engine doesn't run on lies, like the Republican engine does. He takes to much off the table to fast- thats why the dems lost the House. I am a bleeding heart liberal who thinks that things must change. My hope is lost for Obama. You make to many excuses for him and I think it is job related. These unfunded tax cuts will take this country down. The Hypocrisy is of the right astounding and to have Obama concede without a good fight destroys his credibility. Its looking like we all will be calling the rich "master" or be in slave prison camps. Not what I want for my kids or myself. This world has to have a new dream and maybe letting it crumble will teach us whats right and whats wrong. Obama is weak and the right will always call him 'boy'.
I am thinking Bloomberg at least we know he was a Republican. I may have to stop listening to the radio and TV again to regain my ability to think my own thoughts and not have my emotions constantly agitated. Obama is not the change that I can believe in. We need fierce defence Obama gives bj's in exchange for a kiss.
Sincerely Nancy Brickman Friday harbor WA
Note - I wrote that to Randi Rhodes today while standing on top of a cliff with the wind twirling around me. I don't mean it about Bloomberg if I really look at him. I can't say the ticket I'd love to see. To early. Obama Obama Obama, I still love you. I can't help it. but boy do you
rile me up and piss me off. I hope you can look at the Wall. There is writing on it....