The US Constitution- First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
write a litte letter
December 13, 2010
written to Randi Rhodes while listening to her show
I voted and I am one of those who are bitching and moaning because Obama keeps ignoring the base saying we have no choice but to go along. He didn't even come to the health-care table with single payer on it. He said Holder would challenge the weed law in California if it passed. He had Holder challenge the judge on don't ask don't tell. It feels like like a game of pretend that says "we want this". but we really want to not have our corporate masters
punish us.. I'm just saying- Randi- we need change and the leadership hs failed us many many times times even before Obama from Bush/ Gore - Dashel- I know-to letting Alito and Roberts get in and lie under oath. Now, we have Republicans owning the House. I utterly and fully blame the Democrats for this. whiney whimpy cNew Democrats- Corporate Democrats. Member of the Family Democrats. Thats who I blame. I don't blame the uninspired busy people who can barely raise their family in shelter for not voting.
Let's get rid of Reid. Get a progressive in. Change the filibuster rule. Then I might be happy and I might forgive Obama his duck and cover tactics an his fear of standing. Randi. He needs to invite us back . I voted for my Senators and even my congress member, though he made me furious a few times. That said, Obama was lucky he didn't lose the Senate, because his base is his engine and he keeps given it the wrong kind of gas (like making the Republicans the spectacle that they are). They could have stayed in session until the New Years. The Republicans are lazy and would have cried uncle on the unemployed so they could get home to their parties and yachts. Obama better stop undermining his base because we ain't feeling it.
I want our country to thrive. Obama made mistake after mistake by ignoring his base like by not changing the Senate rule in the first place. It makes him look like he's playing pretend with handlers that have weapons sticking in his back. I actually really truly believe he could be one of our best Presidents, but am astounded at his lack of showmanship.
I got to get Zen and breathe and know that it is all "struts and frets" as we mangle our lines.
Love to you, Nancy Brickman Friday Harbor
Peace and Happy Holidays Randi!