I entered the palaces, the squares, the temples. I stood before thrones, altars, and pulpits? There I saw the laborer a slave to the merchant, the merchant a slave to the soldier, the soldier a slave to the general, the general a slave to the king, the king a slave to the priest, the priest a slave to the idol, the idol shaped from dust by devils and raised above a hill of dead men's skulls. kahlil Gibron
Forever we are haunted by devils, crafty and bent
did I ever tell you the story of the Columbia
in my mind it goes this way and that
sand flowing thru the desert tainted it blows
nobody should ever know.
the nuclear story.
(Alice? where are you going?)
They gots guns and poison and stuff, says Alice)
The waste what's the end game here? for whom does it toll?
400 families own 50% of the wealth of our nation and we are supposed to say da.
not fuck you. ( oh no. Alice says , i tried to warn ya!)