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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Freeway
I don't think the Free Way is contracting with stores to have code 4 or 6 to be on alert for peaceful revolutionaries. People who have a vision and an intuitive edge are very threatening to those who still have the itch to rule you. YOu top secret scare the crap out of you bs. You can't view wikileaks baby man? In the stores they called off the obvious forces except for the energetics of the exit with camera babe's yucky vibe. People feel guilty and know that they are doing wrong spying like some coward instead of saying hey what is up with you and rumors of you. My God how the Swede flinched, Do they know, that they work for the devil? NO Way they have been fooled again.. so I think it is time to speak up. Don't you? Fear and division is false and does not sit with the kingdom of God
We were allowed to become matter, to be matter and forgot who makes us in his image and likeness.
Its time to remember, even Billy boy feels the tug. Some don't because they have been processed by the lie and they are too afraid to push at the thin wire.
My favorite line of this blog is 'domesticated numbnuts 'To me it describes the dilemma perfectly
the forth estate, bringing out the worst -Like popping a zit I guess
I'll watch as you risk doing nothing about HAARP-which would be the hard road that will show us once and for all the true face of lucifer who rules those who think they are the kings of earth, the ones who call themselves the chosen ones..
Each event we have a choice. the crossroad -still - for a little while longer. then the shift.
I m not sure but the I 5 bridge across lake Union there are two new towers that seemed like they could be HAARP receivers -to me- or am I just seeing weird stuff all over the place (like the cameras)? Ya gotto laugh or cry I don't know which but the corporate mob of Gotham rule lots of aspects of our thinking and thats what has to change.