
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dear Control Freak Power Maniacs selfish bastards who haven't got a clue

What happened to you? What didn't happen to you? Were you raised by robots? Torture ? Drugs?

So you can not see the danger in spraying the skies with chemical laden aerosols? You say that the science is right and wise? Are you nuts? Were you dropped on your head. Are your lungs filled with fear? Frozen?
What happened to you that you want to murder the wild? You seem Caged and viscous. You think that you are a good Christian with hate in your heart polluting all. Your perception is stuck in boxes The intuitive remains under lock and key. How long will we as the people put up with your nonsense programming. Kill the TV under-layer subliminal messages......before they eat us alive....Including all of you. ALL of your offspring and the future of this planet. Plasma games? GOOP Of Satan is your polluting your belief system. Your little weenie syndrome is getting the best of your survival instinct.

My question is "Who?" which department. I need a place to journal my project publicly
maybe woven in my past blogs. I dedicate it to - riders on the storm.