"No- It's a Blue Planet"
"No- It's a Black and White Planet"
"No- It's a Red Planet"
"No- It's Purple today"
A Good Purple. not the color of dried blood purple oh no
its the purple of the top of the rainbow
swathed in Love an over-lighting aurora
Some swords fell to the ground today
I can't say how, I can't say why but it happened.
Interesting thing is that in the first amendment it says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
but all these contracts say no speech, and even when a whistle blower whistles about a broken mutilated law, in this country, here, my country, the whistle blower gets a fist down his throat.
We need to believe in our land of make believe, Or thinking of John trudell we can have a new vision a new thought and we will rise from the wastes of division.
Democracy is not unrestrained capitalism. Instead of using the Earth as our model for being, the Earth which wastes nothing we have Capitalism unbridled. Unbridled capitalism is modeled after cancer. Growth at the cost of the organism. It has gotten to the brink where there will be no turning back. We as a culture have been trained to be blinded by words that cloak the truth. Most in the USA take capitalism to mean Democracy and socialism to mean Stalin. Uneducated but through mainstream propaganda and lies we defend our beliefs to the death of the land that we know. The beauty of nature is under intentional attack and hardly anyone can see the blatant daily attack on nature. Aeorosals poisoning us daily. Oh they wouldn't do that! All planes put up that residue. even if that is so, who is looking at the effects? From my studies no one. brings me to a rash of swear words to edit out of my rant. We are sinking and I don't know what to do but write and for me, pray. we are about to crash or a miracle would be the evil doers wake up or get arrested or ..... Capitalism needs to tied to social upliftment and waste nothing policy We need to build to last not build to break down. Capitalism which sucks the resources and sees other humans as resources is about to disintegrate...How will we take it? With a dream of another way -working with the ways of Earth as our model. In my mental world, the workers are part owners and share the profits. In the new world we see Earth as our partner and each other as beautiful jewels.