
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

written as a log to no one

'They' have new recipes for clouds that 'they' are trying out in my area. I don't know the number but think it is ten for some reason. 'They' apply it in a wide spray fairly low.altitude.'they' are doing the on off with some curves in their application. At first it was burning off creating a bit of a haze (but my neighbor is burning so maybe thats where the haze originates?) I feel like the "man who stares at goats" I am trying to dissolve the clouds, It is entertainment instead of being depressed about it - even though it is totally depressing that the masses don't see it yet. I don't quite know why they are unable to see that the clouds are man made but have some clues. ABC accidental background graphics staying up for seconds instead of microseconds is one clue.
then the clouds in the new formula look like they get hit with a scaler waves to wisp them out. Thats where my conspiracy brain goes........I understand why people in DC drink booze and snort coke and hire hookers,,,they are trying to block out Jimminy Cricket. They Know that their moves are short term protection - unfortunately they risk the planet becoming longterm hell and they (I guarantee) will be trapped in this hell for eons.

HEE HUH the Democrats logo is apt (unless it was replaced by a herd of domesticated ducks with a clown chasing them).