The US Constitution- First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Linda Ronsadt I am exactly what I am
Dear Sirs and Madame,
the information from the video posted yesterday (Dutchsinse- If the video is of the haarp( which is my conclusion and I conclude that this means premeditated energetic pulses aimed to ricochet to earth is causing the Earth changes, but could it be that our played emotions such as fear and other emotions implanted into our thinking is causing us to allow these Earth changes with no questions asked. If you 'believe' that I am wrong- la la Nuts whatever= If you think I am wrong please prove it me to be wrong with true data and facts, not flawed information and outright lies.). If it is true, the message can only mean that we are currently under attack. The split has been ordered and they are doing their best to implement it, but they are having some problems because the usual game, the cheaters game is over. the rules are, there are no victims and there is no enemy. You chose to engage in the old game. Is that where people want to stay? in an old treacherous game? I don't, I won't. I will call forth the frequencies of the new world, thus, I escape your plans. and if you ignore this and call me crazy you will have lost some credence... within your own being. so believe what you do but allow your thinking to stretch pass your beliefs...the world is amazing, And Help has arrived.