People- especially people who work for the spy industrial complex:
Bicycle boy. gray beard, sweet disguise, you are apart of a dark cloud over our nation.
The surveillance system is beyond Nazi Germany beyond Russia...and the plan to keep us down and enslaved includes you and you will be betrayed because you betray our nation. I am deemed a terrorist? because I am a baby mystic. Mysticism has been outlawed since they took out Christ. We (including you) all were brutalized as children when it came to our intuition. We are still being brutalized. You who know that data of the plan and do nothing about HAARP type receivers and arrays will be wholly responsible for the impending demise of the fault lines and our atmosphere. So wake up , there are plans within plans and you are a integral part of the plan. You have a choice. Evil with a protective smiling mask, or the greater good for all. Spies are slimy. You know this.