
Saturday, December 29, 2012

who you going to call?

tucking commentary in early blog
added before 16 new-years eve to: father of the Miles.
the word was "AAA'hhhh I think that you heard me right.
depending on my mood It will be "Waaahhh" HAAAA or AAAAAAA'hhhh
w0m3 Loony tunes sound when identification is broadcasted. why why why
me? or is it that everyone is collected and are triaged sorted as to whether to view as a threat to the dead hand and its merciless formulas towards Hell. DARPA is a classic example as to what chases me and you are a part of that force. spies mercinaries of the hybrid privatized government. Forces for the ones who truly want to rule and subjigate all living things to it (a cold blooded force that has been poxed upon us is to be removed soon. the coice to remain aligned to the dark controlling forces of doom. yes doom that is the crossroad and that is the choice the switch of the train track derailed that is a road. It is all of our choices to choose the road that does the greatest good and intends no harm or the dense prison way. O well row row row your boat.