Usnea- lichen- identify use Internet info. boil for three minutes wring out and place Usnea (about 4 parts vinegar to one part spongey wad of (Usnea) ) Use vinegar w/ a mother- blend in blender until Usnea is suspended and hard to see-. Take one teaspoon (four droppers) three times daily Even is said to be a consideration with Anthrax
monsanto is trying to kill the herbal plant kingdom The direction for them is Hell fire - go into hell now.
Yellow Dock roots - clean & cut into chunks- fill jar two thirds full- add boiling water let sit can start drinking and add more boiling water after 5 minutes. (You can replant the crowns of the herb in thanks to the herb) Yellow dock supports the blood and digestion of emotions = use occasionally for support as drawn to it. Not for long term everyday use.
Yarrow- roadside field happy herb- grows along a beach that I know cheers the system. Use it to let go of grief and other peoples energy.
Oregon Grape Root
Use to replace goldenseal. good all around generation of energy. they grow in tribes as all plants do. Respect their root systems and replant the donor plant near its tribe or move to a more available location.