Sandy Hook
reminder of what our tax dollars go to creating and we ignore the casualties and call them collateral. The slaughter of the Children of Sandy Hook in New Town Connecticut. All children matter. Awaken our Hearts, sweet ones.
12 /22 /12
Questions: where- what store or Internet source- did the implied killer get the KILL Bullets from? Is Sandy Hook really on the map in the Batman movie? The accused murderer's face looked photo shopped, to me. Were there cameras on the premises (I am assuming yes) who took charge of the video? HOw long did it take the F B I to take charge of the scene......What kind of medications was the accused on?
What evidence is there that the youth committed suicide?
Are there any new police (last two years) who were first onto the scene? Were any agents on the scene of the Wesleyan murders in CT ? If so, who have they been communicating with? What have they been talking about? any odd phrases and cadence in their conversations? who is planning to move out of town at this time?
Do any of the first responders have doubts about the one killer theory?
What has been the response to them and who shuts them up the most?
If it is an illuminati sacrificial alter, what are they planning and when? It seems like they always have secondary plans even if the first one failed. Any agents in Colorado for the Aurora shooting?
I would say that our country should be on high alert and all neocon types should be removed from influence, watched impeccably and stopped in tracks, if need be.
My opinion is that it was likely a sacrificial alter to some huge and devastating plans.
They operate multi level - the depraved soldiers who would do a thing like this, wouldn't know the magnitude of the dead hand's plot ( they are probably dead already themselves (an accident- of course- likened to helicopter crashes etc.).