What the Military gas beeb for through eternity has been to protect the power of the Kings. Today the kings are corporations-as the industrial complex. the Pentagon then is the most dangerous force set against the constituents of this democracy. The waste of this complex represents gluttony and greed. the stench of poison and blood. Bowels shimmering in the setting sun. It cannot be allowed unrestricted force. It is strangling our nation and has no love for freedom.
Now we have the mercenary forces that seek to murder threats to its web of deceptions.
the bloat of privatized billions what else could they do with all that gold? They could help lift us to the New old way. the way of heart is not through weapons.
Social Security tax should not be capped. All earnings especially past billions of dollars should have obligation to help the poor by paying taxes to suckle off the masses. Seen as a donation to the safety net for all citizens. good men would pay happily. It is an identification factor.