
Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Translation of the Lord's Prayer Aramaic to English

Prayers of the Cosmos
Meditations on the Aramaic words of Jesus

The below translation of The Lord's Prayer from Aramaic to English
is taken from the book, Prayers of the Cosmos by Neil Douglas-Klotz.
There are several translations below each line of the prayer.

The Aramaic is in Bold letters and The King James V version is in parenthesis.
Excerpts from The Beatitudes follow The Lord's Prayer.
There is so much more in this book than appears on this page.

1. Our Birth in Unity

Abwoon d'bwashmaya

(King James V version: Our Father which art in heaven)

O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos,
you create all that moves
in light.

O Thou! The Breathing Life of all,
Creator of the Shimmering Sound that
touches us.

Respiration of all worlds,
we hear you breathing--in and out--
in silence.

Source of Sound: in the roar and the whisper,
in the breeze and the whirlwind, we
hear your Name.

Radiant One: You shine within us,
outside us--even darkness shines--when
we remember.

Name of names, our small identity
unravels in you, you give it back
as a lesson.

Wordless Action, Silent Potency--
where ears and eyes awaken, there
heaven comes.

O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos!