and you sure are cute. To bad I'm not young and fit with a red bone coon hound I would have said hi and winked if I had of been her.. That man is one of the most beautiful men I have seen with the energetic potential of mastery beyond what we are. We olden warriors. He was spectacular. on-board I had a shaggie dog guarding my left. Thank you dog energy.doggie doggie doggie I do need help.
was it a slam or a dunk?
but I really wanted to say was king the last time I wrote about a crazy ferry ride I described someone as a jew with false teeth. He was the only Jewish looking man on the boat. He looked like he belonged in Florida. I was being lazy. I had seen him in a dark corner of the ferry. Probably six feet tall husky. not fat. looked like died hair dark maybe with a red tint his teeth definitely were prominent. He looked like the quintessential used car salesmen who watched everything the tangle of people including the half Asian photographer. Today it was the motor cycle mamma who had my goat. eeeeoooo yucky energy of a snoop
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