
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

All you fascists bound to lose

Why do we vote? To feel good or to actually to have our voices be heard?

Heading for a cement garrison at warp speed Capitalism, unrestrained and secretive, is representatives of all of the descriptions of Satan wadded up like snot, ruling this country today. Impotent, so it kills to feel invincible. Now, these men who are snot ruled, feel like they are the rulers of the Earth. They plot to make "Water more valuable than Gold" They are to be removed promptly and efficiently, if they keep their fingers on the trigger of destruction. Yes, they will go down. Or else we all hit the cement. If we let Monsanto rule this election, they stay as rulers of the Earth and her skies ( They are the enemy to life today. How can we stop them? "How can I have forgiveness and Love for them when I see them as representative of blight and illness to the future of all life?" I say their fingers are already in the pie of our electoral process and those fingers need to be severed. The Dead hand, finally buried
within a crystal fortress and guarded by the murdered citizens of the world.

So third dimensional instructions For investigators, if we really had an FBI that wasn't 75% obedient to the corruption of governance, Stocks given to government employees or their families or held in a trust for them. Land. Visits, Travel, gifts. Law suits won like by Milene Henley's husband (as possible payment?) that sort of thing. NSA records should be accessed by other government security organizations to go thru records of phone calls. Did Patty Murphey call Doris in the day or days after my phone call? Has the Journal been asked to not print opinions about the barcodes on the ballots? Patty Murphey made it clear that they didn't care how many ballots were printed but only the 'voted ballots mattered' to her, who is in charge of security. So where is it hitting? In those extra ballots that are not watched- is where, if I were an investigator, I would be watching the voted ballots at all times, not a moment without eyes on every single ballot, especially now. It has already been set. The Hart tabulator computers, are they really not wi fi? Look into possibility of them hiring military contractors to do surveillance plus on activists?

May the beauty of this day be manifest and made more perfect by each of us

Chart for today- Wow is all I am saying. May the highest aspects Neptune and Pluto together with Saturn and the rest Most Auspicious for the spectrums of light to be expanded and multiplied.
How private is privatization?