tall beings with shimmering robes and an ethereal light around them. Song playing beginning stance of ”what if God was One of Us?” Hubble Slides of screen sparkles Maybe strobe lites set above and below.
Narrator: The realms of mind How many levels are there?
How many dimensions are in one breath of ones life. How many dimensions are beyond the grasp of our senses but they are never beyond our imagination.
11:24 minutes in I see a stage with the three fates + An Elvis look a-like and cheerier colors w/, of coarse, sparkles and orbs.
Elvis is a Mascot of the Game for-sure.
Look what I found today... watch the hands and listen to the background music I actually am not enjoying the background music... I ve read all the passages and might argue with this but game wise palyed with.
I had to turn off the sound