
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Democratic Debate

Exhausting to watch. Hilary is pro war by my standards. I WANNA run screaming and pulling my hair.

I am watching the debate in forty five - or so minute sessions.

The World According to Nancy Fulminating.
There are think tanks that are in place such as the Bilderburg Group – that create scripts for manipulating mass consciousness. False Flags-the creation OF ISIS -fake shootings and such- are created to march us to their tune.
Kissenger, Cheney, George H. W. Bush, Barbara Bush and their ILKE are all creations, servants of that force- worshipers of >>>- an energy that wishes to destroy the spirit of this planet. The game on Earth is free will-freedom within form-creation, love, unity and divine light.
I am studying Hypnotherapy and also mind control. IT is an easy formula to control the collective consciousness: keep humanity in fear. That’s it. Fear divides. Fear collapses our ability to open our field and perceive. Fear closes our eyes. Fear contracts. We swallow the pill they give us without question. Easy as Pie.

They are attempting to take us towards living out-The MASTER SCRIPT of- the man who stole sacred words- ALBERT-###-PIKE. The orders come from him beyond the grave, are being scripted and re-scripted now. Lying us into WWIII. A game to them.

There is no fighting them. It is like a star trek scene where the war ship gets bigger the more you shoot at them. Information is our sword. and 'They' know it. That is why the mainstream media is owned by 'them' NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC IS owned by Rupert- FOX- Murdock i would say see what it is focused on. Bildeburg baffoonary.