
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Open Letter to Sessions

Dear Attorney General Sessions, I pray that you will consider the US Constitution as the Template for all laws in this land.
In our current pay to play system where the
Congress is essentially bribed to make laws that break our Constitution. We are in dire straights. Any gag order that is hiding illegal and unconstitutional activities should be deemed mute and illegal itself. Whistle blowers need protection and since the upper echelon of all governmental agencies have been hand picked corruptibles, whistle blowers are in danger. I am thankful for wikileaks and Edward Snowden for revealing the utter insanity of the privatization of the surveillance industry. I believe and have experienced that DHARPA has been contracting out executions of American Citizens on US soil using trucks and accidents and 'suicides'. This has got to end or our country will fall to this force.
We have Trillions of Dollars missing from the DOD and they aerosol spray our land with unknown formulas and in secret. Drugs are brought into our country via our action in Afghanistan. It is an insane mess. I hope that you have integrity and will deal with these issues..