
Monday, June 19, 2017

Someone who Understands Me

This is a balm to my soul. We have been trained and programmed away from syncing with our soul, which is a fragment of God.

Imagine that you are a pillar of light, grounded into the center of the Earth before listening. If this is new listen to a couple minutes at a time and digest it by observation. We have been programmed to be afraid of synching into our hearts, Sometimes there are walls of grief and fear of torture to get to our hearts. Grounding is crucial. Love Light Love is crucial. You can't see
if you don't look.

S softbank 9.3 trillion japan. This would be really cool if we weren't still in the scarey zombie stage of consciousness still. If the Military Industrial Complex and the Surveillance Complex was not ruling the day. These Complexes are like robots. Heartless with many heads. May the matrix of minions shrivel and wane. May you be activated. RE MEMBER