The swirls of destiny are upon us. Breathing down our throats. We whine.
The Template of Empire has been set upon every house in our Nation. The holograph of the true human has also been added.
The Heroes journey must be taken. It is imperative at this time. Yet we slumber wrapped in a cocoon of security encompassed by fear. The fires rage. The waters rise. We tremble and squeeze our eyes tighter shut. Lead down a road by the devil himself posing as a kind man. Now old and should be waning scowls in his wheel chair, penis shriveled . His only legacy->destruction and strife. A pride in the charade. welcomed on yachts and in country clubs. They are called the NEO cons and liberals. They are psychopathic pawns.
We have been the ox led by a small ring blinders on. Taught to look down. Taught to behave. Taught to be small. Taught to be afraid to be in the presence of God, when we always are in the presence of God. Taught to point the finger and say what we've been trained to feel and think and believe. But never reaching the heart of the matter which is syncing with our creator within our own hearts. That is the lesson of the sacred text that we are taught to be afraid of. Control of Empire has been inserted into our religions and into our DNA by the use of torture.
Satanic power is allowed to be collected through blood sacrifice, capture and control. We have been taught to snivel and grovel to this power. That is why the cold hearted power stands.
THe territory of the heart seems treacherous as we walk through the grief and desolation of imprints passed on from the mistakes of the past. Folded time moves folded upon itself- a Tapestry of beauty being cast upon the rocks emptied of blood..