I’m tired of studying the media obsessions. On Sunday, it is Tuesday now, it is said that a man shot up the church in Texas. I haven’t made a call in my mind about it. The strangest witnesses were the pastor of the church and his wife both of who were not there. Their daughter was killed in the shooting. She looked like she may have been adopted. I’m not sure. The wife read a comment. The pastor preached. But neither looked like they had felt the loss of their child. It seemed incongruous. It is these incongruities that make an incident seem suspect.
I do obsess about the California fires because I sense urgency that the truth be made known. I am convinced that the fires were caused by weaponry and that they were targeted. I have watched many hours of footage from the fire. I have seen the blue light that flashed. I’ve also heard testimonies from people who were there. In my opinion, there should be no gag orders on the firefighters or the fire marshals. It is against our Constitution to limit the freedom of speech. We the people have the right to know the truth in these incidences especially when it has such dire consequences upon our future.
this was 2013
I ask, I pray that we have courageous heroes who will expose the truth to the mainstream media and that these heroes be protected by those who are asked to deceive the American people and the world. I ask that these people who insist upon gag orders, be researched and find out who their master is.
If we don’t stop this now, we are looking at a future where they can just take any of us out, at any time without any consequences. There were no consequences to the people who perpetrated 911. Disaster capatalism -lots of money going to lots of people and they rule the narrative. They pretend that Osama bin Laden organized 911 and was killed by a bunch of Navy SEALs during Obama’s administration and then they went ahead and killed most of those men who were involved in the assassination of what looks like Osama’s relative. Many of us already knew that Osama bin Laden was dead. Unfortunately the mainstream media has monetary ties to the people who didn’t want us to know that Osama bin Laden was dead. The Prime Minister of Pakistan was murdered after she informed us that Osama bin Laden was dead of kidney failure. It is a deadly farce to ignore the trail that leads to the perpetrators of 911. It is the imprint for a hellish future.
Here is a sales pitch -with lots of adds- by National Geographic;