
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Pharma Karma

I love his rant at at about 14 minutes.

We have an embedded system of control going on in the developed world. We go cheering into war, a dangerous war, because 'they' want an excuse to cull the population. We have manufactured movements created by the false flags and the money thrown into buses and signs. They fill the air with intentional ingredients to stupefy humanity. they are planning to come to schools and coat our children's teeth with fluoride which will close off there pineal glands (their single eye} They use GMO's to poison the world. And so called medicines to suck our energy. All levels of a spiritual parasitic infections in our minds. We are trained into obedience. Our government does not believe in the constitution and the media is programming people to agree. Yes there is hypnosis and it is easy to program a human, all of us if we don't know how they do it. They do it by fear and confusion and then insert subliminal s signal ss that go directly into our subconscious mind.
There are demonic possessions and the demons are invited into the power elite's life by a form of Voodoo which demands torture as food. Minions of the power elite are controlled by fear, security and a mistaken beliefs. A belief boxes our mind into a frozen state. When we have a true relationship with our hearts and our soul, we then have a compass. It is vital to sift through our beliefs and dismantle the walls so we can truly see with our connection to this world and the actual unity that exists behind the veil of our belief. We are living in troubling times and every one of us has to grow our courage to see the Truth even though that then makes us responsible for our response to the Lie.

I hear so many elderly people say they do what ever the doctor tells them to do. It is a tragedy of magnitude. Our elders should be our teachers and our leaders. We are duped into submission and vaccines are one of the biggest systems of control that they have. They (the power elites, or voodoo maniacs) are running out of time and are ruthless.