He'd been tracking her for over ten years. Ten years. Today it was like a cloud lifted. He knew he was being taken off her because she was 23 7. Dead was the prognosis and they knew -he knew her -well enough to know she wasn't a threat to any one except... and that was the problem. It was like a veil was lifted. He was arising out of the murky depths of donuts and coke. He was supposed to be the good guy. He felt filthy and thick.
Tumbling down a deep hole. He never knew that the conspiracy theorist was actually studying real conspiracies. He thought she was a dangerous nut job. And he hid from his own knowledge of conspiracy. He saw it but he shut his mind to it. He couldn't see it in a bazaar way. His boss with a sleeping unknown child. His bosses face full of the glee of conquest. Mr. Good-guy hid his gut from himself. Humf, "Can't take what's in front of me." Good Guy blind. Like the people who can't see the x's in the sky the lines of conquest that is killing the system of life. Unabated not even hidden anymore.
Statistics once said that one in fifty is psychopathic. One in twenty a sociopath. Good-guy wondered now, if he fit the description of sociopath? He looked it up: Sociopath -a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. His world was full of sociopaths. It seemed utterly acc