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Friday, July 13, 2018

What we need to comprehend

I feel like I couldn't understand why the world seems like it is a train running at full speed towards a hundred foot steel wall. When I realized that psychopaths have been in charge and promote other psychopaths to high positions, I see,now, the net over this world.
The art of Empire is cruelty and division. Fear has been embedded into our DNA. Fear to speak out or to even look at issues.
Why do we allow corporations to incorporate if they are not built upon the foundation of benefit to our existence? Big pharma and Monsanto's alliance is an example that dooms life on Earth by its myopic business model of making us sick while destroying our life support system, our eco systems.

The Vaccine issue- Why would I trust my government to know what is best for me and my family? I have a lot of reasons why I don't trust the government to have the best interest of the population in mind. A corrupt model for elections, where the majority of our politicians have to do the bidding of donors. or Bribery is a better word for our political system. I would love to audit all Congress, Supreme Court, Lobbyists, Generals, Admirals, (and their families) etc.