
Wednesday, September 26, 2018


I screamed at my mom on Sunday because her neurologist put her on Depakote again and she started taking them. Last time she was on them she had symptoms of Alzheimer and eyes were not tracking and she was not tracking. So I screamed, yelled what ever you want to call it and then realized that I was hurting her by judging so harshly her journey. Me yelling has never won an argument and hurts my case and my reliability.
My moon is at the same degree as Donald Trumps (21 sag and Uranus is conjunct both of our suns - mine is in the sign ahead of the sun, his is behind his sun. Both aspects indicate foot in mouth and rashness in speaking and responding without thinking.

In the Qi Revolution work shop this week-end, I realized how I can be a cord with energy sparking and its flying around like an overcharged hose. I noticed that I throw energy around without awareness. I need to learn to contain my energy and direct it in a thoughtful manner.