
Thursday, December 20, 2018

FEMA disaster dot-dot-dot coming to a theater near you!

By theater, I mean a military theater. There is a story floating around that FEMA is mobilizing to 18 different towns and cities on the Southeast coast.

In Paradise California, FEMA has confiscated local activist collection of donations and shut down community shelters. They have come with guns mounted on their vehicles and they threaten people. They have not been helping or comforting people.

In Hawaii and in Houston Texas FEMA used barges to imprison and move people and then they lose these people.

For years there has been a plan to break up our nation.

From what has been going on in Hawaii where bodies have been washing up allegedly with organs missing and dead and FEMA has not been providing answers to where where people are.
I believe that FEMA has been executing people and that the head of FEMA should be in jail today to prevent the plan of disaster. HIstorically there has been a FEMA or Homeland Security presence at every major disaster beforehand. Perfectly FEMA was deployed a day before 911. They were there before Sandy Hook doing a drill , they were there before many shootings with drills with going on even in Paris.
When I am asked to trust my government, I ask why? I am old enough to have seen no answers to many assassinations. I am old enough to witness our military being confused and confounded during 9/11. I have witnessed the biggest conspiracy of all that 911 was the result of two planes destroying three buildings Then I am called a conspiracy theorist! So what? I will wear my tinfoil hat proudly.

My computer is dead and I haven't figured out how to post videos using my phone to support my allegations worked on my blog to support my allegations. For a long time I've known about COG continuance of government. FEMA is an intrical part of this breakup. And when the rumors about guillotines and that FEMA just ordered thousands of blades from a company near the border of Mexico in Mexico allegedly reported by a FEMA agent this has riled me and made me want to expose and remove FEMA and start supporting local communities when there is disaster, instead of hauling people away.
Homeland Security plans to break up our nation and have an unelected government controlling us without a constitution, in itself is unconstitutional and laws that break the Constitution are not laws that anybody should follow. FEMA's mandates are unacceptable and should be dismantled. Unfortunately both political parties are in bed with this. I hope and pray four Warriors and heroes instead of brainless heartless soldiers on the prowl lying to Americans and all people. The New World Order is designed for corporate needs and not to help the people of the world. Albert Pike was a psychopath!
We have to defend our democracy by educating each other and loving one another. Remember David and Goliath. Each of us has to be David today.