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Monday, June 17, 2019


It appears that the bad guys are winning. Half the trees on this Island are sick and dying because of the sky manipulations changing our soil acidity and making so a thermite type reaction will occur when activated, like seen in California.

The media is corporate controlled propaganda and the crackdown on free speech is here. They want to vaccinate the population to make us dull drones who will do as they say..and spend money on ‘health care’.

All these men who have swore oaths to the constitution then sign their souls away in contracts for employment and ignore their original oath. They are oblivious to the meaning of the Constitution in the first place.

Our governments are run by a psychopathic force that is disconnected from the creation and cares only for power. They see power as control and destruction. They know nothing of the intricacies of life. They know nothing of love. They need to be stopped. They need to be corralled and exposed.

Their plan {see PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY] is a plan for World War Three. This plan is being implemented, like 911 was implemented and a grand success in their eyes.

Why are they allowed to roam the world when they steal they commons from us? They see us as insects to be squashed. They have no empathy. They feel superior in their riches which will be dust soon, if their plans succeed.

Why is John Podesta a free man? He should be in solitary confinement unable to communicate his orders.