
Saturday, December 22, 2018


PLEASE excuse the errors, i dictated this....
My biggest reason is because FEMA doesn't care about community doesn't encourage Community it sees Community as a threat. Another reason is because FEMA arrives early 2 disasters and I don't think it's because they're psychic. Look it up. In California FEMA has closed down local shelters and carts people off without taking clear and reasonable inventory of the people and without making a list of who they take that all members of our population could look at they secretly whisk them off to places unknown and do whatever they do to these people.

There is evidence that people who are corrupt hav been promoted into the highest echelon of our society. Or they are of the ilk of a psychopath. In the media we have Psychopaths in our government we have Psychopaths and in many corporations there are psychopaths. Normal people don't understand this because they enjoy helping each other. And Psychopaths don't understand the joy that normal people get from helping each other. They have a component of humanity missing from their hearts. FEMA is based on a psychopath model. They see humans as threats. They would rather not have us loose and talking to each other.

The The FEMA prison camps are just that, prisons no freedom of movement nobody's notified that their families are there and it's looking like they're harvesting organs in Hawaii because people have been floating in without with organs missing dead people.

,, why it is dangerous that our media is now almost 100% propaganda and this means Fox News as well as MSNBC and CNN. And I never thought I'd say this but fox has more variety then CNN and MSNBC who only talk about the fraudulent russiagate. I would love to look at Mueller's history especially when he was head of the FBI when 9/11 happened and like George Herbert Walker Bush Mueller is seen as a hero and above anybody's question . And people don't understand the majority of people don't understand what propaganda the dangers of propaganda when it's not knowing that we're being fed propaganda is to our democracy .

We Know that the DNC stole the election from Bernie but nobody's looking into it. And it's looking like dead people can't talk can't be witnesses. and that is where our country is at. Our news won't cover what went on in Miami-Dade and our news won't cover what went on with Deborah Wasserman Schultz spying on all of her colleagues using servers, they won't cover that Hillary bleached her computers and her blackberries as well as Deborah Wasserman Schultz did. Deborah Wasserman Schultz probably didn't get elected as well as she shouldn't even be free right now she should be in jail because they have no guilt when they steal elections and nobody punishes them there's not Justice in our country. They can assassinate people and nobody gets held accountable Oh They'll blame somebody else but nobody gets held accountable like when they took out Wellstone and his family knows that was just an accident right know he was running for president he was just about ready to announce that and Hillary I'm assuming couldn't bear having somebody real to run against her. The media won't take on the 21 trillion with a t dollars that the dod has allotted with no explanations to each other. This is very dangerous because these people are doing stuff like attacking California with directed energy weapons which the media won't cover.

And now FEMA is on the move to a city near you. DARPA runs HAARP so they can cause weather disasters and earthquakes and fires you name it coming soon... can't you wait? and then they plan to take down the electrical grid yay team oh I'm trying to be in Christmas spirit. It's very difficult. Especially when I see things and people think I'm just crazy.I don't want to be right. I want to be wrong but like everybody else I think I'm right. I don't watch TV unless I'm at my moms and when I do I see propaganda pure and simple I see a one-trick Pony show that's russiagate when I know Hillary and Meuller gave 20% of our uranium to Russia. Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 20, 2018

FEMA disaster dot-dot-dot coming to a theater near you!

By theater, I mean a military theater. There is a story floating around that FEMA is mobilizing to 18 different towns and cities on the Southeast coast.

In Paradise California, FEMA has confiscated local activist collection of donations and shut down community shelters. They have come with guns mounted on their vehicles and they threaten people. They have not been helping or comforting people.

In Hawaii and in Houston Texas FEMA used barges to imprison and move people and then they lose these people.

For years there has been a plan to break up our nation.

From what has been going on in Hawaii where bodies have been washing up allegedly with organs missing and dead and FEMA has not been providing answers to where where people are.
I believe that FEMA has been executing people and that the head of FEMA should be in jail today to prevent the plan of disaster. HIstorically there has been a FEMA or Homeland Security presence at every major disaster beforehand. Perfectly FEMA was deployed a day before 911. They were there before Sandy Hook doing a drill , they were there before many shootings with drills with going on even in Paris.
When I am asked to trust my government, I ask why? I am old enough to have seen no answers to many assassinations. I am old enough to witness our military being confused and confounded during 9/11. I have witnessed the biggest conspiracy of all that 911 was the result of two planes destroying three buildings Then I am called a conspiracy theorist! So what? I will wear my tinfoil hat proudly.

My computer is dead and I haven't figured out how to post videos using my phone to support my allegations worked on my blog to support my allegations. For a long time I've known about COG continuance of government. FEMA is an intrical part of this breakup. And when the rumors about guillotines and that FEMA just ordered thousands of blades from a company near the border of Mexico in Mexico allegedly reported by a FEMA agent this has riled me and made me want to expose and remove FEMA and start supporting local communities when there is disaster, instead of hauling people away.
Homeland Security plans to break up our nation and have an unelected government controlling us without a constitution, in itself is unconstitutional and laws that break the Constitution are not laws that anybody should follow. FEMA's mandates are unacceptable and should be dismantled. Unfortunately both political parties are in bed with this. I hope and pray four Warriors and heroes instead of brainless heartless soldiers on the prowl lying to Americans and all people. The New World Order is designed for corporate needs and not to help the people of the world. Albert Pike was a psychopath!
We have to defend our democracy by educating each other and loving one another. Remember David and Goliath. Each of us has to be David today.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

I See a Bush

I look around at the crazy world as
I was watching the FBI director, Director Wray, I see a possible Bush. He
looks and sounds exactly like a Bush. His voice to me sounds like George Herbert Walker Bush. He looks like him and George W Bush especially his nose with a little bit difference that hook nose and then the voice that kind of high voice I don't know how to describe voices but to me he sounds like it. It's almost like there's a squeeze to the Voice and then I turn on to watch a PBS Wildfire propaganda and the guy who is Distributing the propaganda again looks like a Bush
and he doesn't sound so much but he looks like Jeb and George Herbert Walker Bush together he has glasses on and his eyebrows are done dark but he looks like an offsping of GHW Bush. I see bushes everywhere kind of a nightmare he keeps ruling from the grave. I hope director Wray is as good a man as he pretends to be and not a 1984 type ruler with doublespeak coming out of his mouth.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Library of Alexandra

we are coming to a precipice. The clock ticks. We race off the cliff. We allow corruption to stand. This corruption swallows the world. We pretend that we are not lied to when we know we are being lied to. We do not speak when we see the corruption for fear of our head. We are heading off the cliff who will be safe they can pretend they are safe these people who have these plans but how could they be if there is Justice in this world. I guarantee that their weapons will be used against I guarantee this that they will not be happy the day they die. They will not find peace. We race off the cliff By ignoring the truth. The truth is not what we believe because what we believe is usually what we were told by someone else and then it adds and becomes like the truth but the truth is the truth. It's not a lie made to look like the truth. The truth is the truth it is not a lie. And we all know that we can see this if we look if we look with our single eye.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Different Worlds

I look at the carnage in California that 'they' are calling fires and I don't see one shred of evidence that these are actual fires. I see a lot that says they are not fires. Fires would burn the trees first/ fires don't go in straight lines. Fires don't attack houses first. Fires scorch.
Fire follows certain laws. We would not be able to have a combustion engine or a wood stove if it didn't follow these innate laws. we woudn't be alive because every cell in our body depends on the energetic combustion.

My poor countrymen who are so programmed that they see a forest fire when looking at these pictures. It is insane! and they call me a crazy conspiracy theorist! Look. Yes It SUCKS! BUT WE HAVE TO LOOK AT THE PROBLEM TO FIND THE SOLUTIONS!

My choice would be to turn Raytheon and the other energetic weapon based corporations to dust.

Sounds like the contrails could easily have these mixtures added. scary.
Thermite plus microwave perfect storm.
The Perfect Storm pre-program the collective programming.


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ode to California

California is the State 'they' (the neo's or the psychopathic voodoo brotherhood -and sisterhood) wish to break up into manageable parts and then Texas.
How much time do we have? We are out of time. No more time. It is TIME.

They use Directed Energy Weapons and we are to scared to see it when it is right in front of our eyes. Searing them shut won't help. They are after any free thinker first and then the slaves. Let's see what is the recipe they use now? through the media so that we all agree the truth to be what we are led to believe instead of actually using our whole spiritual perception to perceive.

Follow the money... This is what I would investigate if I were a true citizen... The houses that were not destroyed. Who owns them? What are their connections. The fire Marshall of CAL would be suspended and watched his contacts and codes. Which military industries might he be affiliated with?
Follow who they have busted for talking. Who initiates gag order enforcement and threats? Follow the coverup. The media bundles that the California officials put out? Who is in charge of the publicity of these fires. It is called disaster capitalism because the beneficiaries are in place before the disaster. Who are the beneficiaries of the fire
It looks like some can be seen on a map. Agenda 21 map and the light rail plans map.
I am thankful that so far WA state shut down the attempts that they made in August this year. I hope that we have sincere Fire Chiefs in charge from now on in all locations through out the whole world. We have to defend ourselves and that is through spiritual means first and foremost. And blossom from there.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

No News is Good News

I am studying alternatives to our crazy world. Pretty much I only have been watching vert little news a sprinkle of Jimmy Dore and Kip Simpson.
I have learned about Van living, tiny house living and aircrete. Now I wanna make some salt.

Our media wants to stir up division, Unity is the only answer. No more News! Let the news come out of fashion.

The pshychopaths want to start the new war... energetic weapons march down our lands....

WAR is for the corporations and no other reason....pretty soon they won't need soldiers...Veterans are treated as threats or they make their money in the war against the people about to wage...for security.
Why so many homeless vets? Think about it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


What could the purpose of man made fog be?

Here are a couple ideas:
COVER full moon cover for movement of something meant to be hidden by the minions of...

INFUSION of chemical experimets for compliance and control... there are likely other reasons that the oh so cleaver minions are using...
Know this, this fog is created by humans working under the orders of the darkness.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

money changers

Saturday, September 29, 2018


Beautiful Dreamer
How many people would have a glimmer of understanding about what he is talking about in this interview when he talks about the time space continuum? The collective cascade is already plugged into AI. The question is: Will these people be strong enough to break away from their trance?

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


I screamed at my mom on Sunday because her neurologist put her on Depakote again and she started taking them. Last time she was on them she had symptoms of Alzheimer and eyes were not tracking and she was not tracking. So I screamed, yelled what ever you want to call it and then realized that I was hurting her by judging so harshly her journey. Me yelling has never won an argument and hurts my case and my reliability.
My moon is at the same degree as Donald Trumps (21 sag and Uranus is conjunct both of our suns - mine is in the sign ahead of the sun, his is behind his sun. Both aspects indicate foot in mouth and rashness in speaking and responding without thinking.

In the Qi Revolution work shop this week-end, I realized how I can be a cord with energy sparking and its flying around like an overcharged hose. I noticed that I throw energy around without awareness. I need to learn to contain my energy and direct it in a thoughtful manner.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Weather Documents - Why they matter...

it is not my individual self that I worry about when it comes to the insertion of chemicals in our sky...It is that this operation is done in secret with secret agendas written by the psychopathic machine that eats death and destruction on our planet. killing our trees by changing the pH of the forest floor and the atmosphere we and all life breaths- the chemicals are micronized so that we ingest them through our breath, our water and our food. Chemicals with an agenda dark are added to these secret propitiatory formulas that are being applicated without our consent but through manipulation of our minds so that these chemical trails in the sky go unnoticed and unimportant. Wake up and look at the trees. They are dying in my region. And it is NOT from water stress! It is from chemical stress. This is why this topic is vital for all to understand and see.

Monday, September 10, 2018

High Holy Days

May the reality of Atonement be claimed by Humanity.

"Rumors Of Glory"

Above the dark town
After the sun's gone down
Two vapour trails cross the sky
Catching the day's last slow goodbye
Black skyline looks rich as velvet
Something is shining
Like gold but better
Rumours of glory

Smiles mixed with curses
The crowd disperses
About whom no details are known
Each one alone yet not alone
Behind the pain/fear
Etched on the faces
Something is shining
Like gold but better
Rumours of glory

You see the extremes
Of what humans can be?
In that distance some tension's born
Energy surging like a storm
You plunge your hand in
And draw it back scorched
Beneath it's shining like
Gold but better
Rumours of glory


I have said it before, again and again. Empire has a recipe. It is being implemented. Mind control starts with fear, chaos and confusion. That is why they are into pedophilia. Pedophilia shatters the spectrum of personality and then they can insert and control the aspects of behavior they want into the child (sometimes it doesn't work).

Look what Empire did to the First Nations of Canada they shattered the children taking them from their families and subjecting them to conditions to break their will, knowledge. They splintered the personalities so that fear is ever presen. Fear of knowledge -> is the KEY to Empire.

The thing is, the unthinkable things that these people do, were done to them.

The Charity of Night last stanzas
Wave on wave of life
Like the great wide ocean's roll
Haunting hands of memory
Pluck silver strands of soul
The damage and the dying done
The clarity of light
Gentle bows and glasses raised
To the charity of night

Pacific glimmers silver
Moon full over shadow mansion
West coast - Can't say when
There is incense and the heat-driven scent of flowers

Friday, September 7, 2018

Wondering Where the Lions Are

Stopping for a moment to feel the lions waking up. Ecstasy
Another word that has been stolen. Take it back.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

To the True Hero

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Jiminy Cricket

The lockstep propaganda bearing down on us. Reminds me of the goose stepping regimes and how easy it is to tumble into a police state created by man orchestrated disasters. I am worried. To succeed in making John McCain a peaceful hero when he was full metal jacket minion. A decorated war 'hero' he was a hero for war. With the other minions who provided no body armor for the soldiers but man do they spend a ton building weapons and McCain wanted to war with many nations. Spilling blood maintains the bonds to their master and then they feel powerful which substitutes for Love. Empty wadded up wastes. Their mission is to serve their master well.

Secret Societies, like everything else in the culture of Human Beings that have been stalked by a demonic force, were originally a necessity because Empire can't have Empire without the servitude of humanity. Thus Truth had to be buried in the seams of comman culture. Everything powerful has been corrupted by Empire. Empire is a remnant of the Luciferion Rebellion.
Symbolically, Lucifer, was the great light who was to be regent of Earth in service to the nurturing of Human consciousness. Only he wanted his freedom from this servitude to something that he saw as inferior to his light and power. He cut himself off from his connection to the Creator and now is a thief of the light of humanity and eats suffering and has many many minions that were created by his domain of power through division and shattering the divinity within humanity. This divinity scares Lucifer, so he snuffs the innocent. This Luciferion force is itself shattering and becoming dust under the feet of the Divine that is moving, now to restore the original blueprint for humanity. The Gigg is up.

Monday, August 27, 2018


'Twice I've seen him' she said...'One time he had an Asian girl (about 15 years old) by the arm under the awning of the Palace Theater...He looked like he was dragging her and that she was drugged. tHEN TODAY SHE WHISPERED, LOOKING OVER HER SHOULDER, HE HAD 4 OR 5 GIRLS BLANK EyES.'

Laural Canyon?

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy


I am not a flat earther because spheres are natural patterns that we must learn to work with. some of the points below are cogent and worth pondering --later----well the points were wrong to me so I am taking the video off..It is about the likelihood and feasibility to use the sky as a holographic screen.I decided not to post the video.We should ponder things like our own thinking and thought control and how easy it is when the masses have been trained to self regulate their own ability to think. Thinking inside the lines is the mandate laid out by the puppet masters, the Dead Hand... the Permanent State, The Deep State, EMPIRE, a force ancient, like fire, is predictable and does certain things to rule, much of it has to do with shattering the humans connection to the divine while installing rules that serve Empire. I look at Empire like fire. There are Laws that rule the nature of fire. Fire must be contained by these Laws. In our bodies, we have fire that is fed by the Oxygen that we breath. Our blood contains the same fire/ Fire was made with constraints else all life would be consumed and would have to be in a totally different field or dimension.

WHO pays for the news? Advertisers and the US Government hands moneys and new briefs out to different outlets. We need to ponder motivation as an advertiser I see every advertisement as a control over the narrative of the news-
or shall we call it 'the snews (as in snooze) wink wink.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Early Morning Rain

From Video games to magazines our minds, are captured.
I am listening to the book "Weird Scenes" all about a canyon that oozed the cultural blood of the sixties.
Since I was alive and felt the sixties, I feel the power still from the music that was allowed at that time. For me it is better than the music I hear from today. (But of coarse I haven't listened to all of the music of today only the tidbits allowed to get popular.)

A mob like cabal has been implemented between the sixties, actually the set up much much earlier, but it really mushroomed out of control in the sixties. I can feel George Herbert Walker Bush as the instrument with people like Henry Kissinger in the background, setting up, using satanic rituals as the invitation into high places. Now in every county and municipality we have tentacles of a satanic cabal, and to me it looks like the artery of this multi-headed beast is =>the CIA.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Clip the wings of the Minions of Satan

by busting up the Pedophilia networks.

I hesitate to share the following video because of the music added to it... makes it suspect.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Ring out

Trying to adjust my mind.
These fires on the wind are stimulating my worst case scenarios. All firing in really negative possibilities-
So I figure I better write about it to clean my mental palette.

I am positive that crazy beloved California is under attack with Directed Energy Weapons.
Why? Psychopathic boys have to play with their toys. Or maybe there is the ever orchestration of multiple benefits to the Minions of Satan. The disaster capitalists rubbing their heartless hands together in sadistic glee at all the possibilities. Herding the commoners into containment corrals. Feed lots.
Now that they are planning a black out of 'conspiracy theories' ie any information that doesn't mesh with the narrative. Facebook and youtube and other platforms are deleting full volumes of information that has been documenting the facts and videos with information which is different from the greenscreen narrative. The Minions of Satan think that they will be able to cull the population. Karmically, the USA is cruising for a bruising and it is an internal bleed but this Karma was created by them - so they are slated and Justice for All will reign and they will feel regret with a gasp of realization that they too were hijacked.
I am sitting here looking at a red sun and parched trees. Trees already stressed by the geoengineering compounds that they have been applying non stop for many years and now the dead hand is playing with fire and zapping people and vaccinating people with poisons made to make them disengaged servants to the system.
We have slept to long. We wake to a nightmare before us.

You can't stop us on the road to freedom
You can't keep us 'cause our eyes can see
Men with insight, men in granite
Knights in armor bent on chivalry

TUPELO HONEY van morrison

This is why it is essential to the DEAD HAND to control the triggers to our thoughts....and to train us to trigger our selves and to listen to their lies and believe them.

What is freedom? What is Free? That is under attack today.
I have to choose my thinking well. I have to be aware of the silence within, to listen to the hush and radiance of this world within the divine.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Three Days of Darkness

Observing the sky today, the aerosol lines turn quickly into a metallic haze that mimics the smoke from the fires. I read that they had an unexplained day of darkness in Russia a couple of weeks ago. I guess that it was weather wars experimentation.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Task Force

Task Force or Jem Moore-R.I.P. This goes out to you....Most people will not get this...I am crazy...they would say...I say the same thing (energetically) only I say, you are blinded.
We have no choice but to gird ourselves by working it energetically.
-jump- in a sense between - using scalar concepts. We need to learn to ground and take charge of expanding and grounding the energetic waves around us. We need to learn to feel what we are walking in to.

Mangella J. Podesta's father?

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wave to the Watchers

the Watchers are being Watched

Jenny Moore aka Task Force died in a DC hotel room a few days ago.

She was a journalist studying and confronting the belly of the beast.
My guess (of coarse) what Q refered to as wetworks dew weaponry. They are playing this every way.
She knew that Peter Strzok worked for CIA and the FBI (is that a double agent?).

Monday, August 13, 2018

chemical spill Anacortes 8 13

She said to him, “You know, today I felt like I was definitely in another world from the people around me. They couldn't see what I was seeing. They didn't see the sheen in the puddles. They didn't even see me struggling to mop up what I could, trying to figure out whether, if I stayed, if I could make a difference. Wondering what was I supposed to do. It was like being in another realm from the rest of the people down there on the tideland by the Ferry Landing.. Puzzled at their blindness and disconnect. Wow, the vaccines and chemical programs are working. Zombie is a real phenomenon and it will get worse, if they don't come back to themselves. You know what I mean?”
He looked at her like she was crazy and then started to laugh. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she did both.

Saturday, August 11, 2018


A prayer for your awakening to the TRUTH.
You ask why I don't trust the media? Why I don't trust the words of governmental officials? Why news is suspect? The news is usually greenscreen with actors as witnesses and during the Obama administration the ban on our government overtly paying and creating propaganda was made legal and instigates so that the publications of record are tainted by money from the Corporate run government.

We have overt bribery of governmental officials and our elections are farcical. Corporations are allowed to experiment with the human population and the infrastructure for the culling of humanity by all sorts of 'experiments'. Multinationals the many headed monsters reward heartlessness and obedience. Targeting California and it is the Democrats of the state who are instigating and allowing for the destruction so that they can break the state up and other nefarious plots up the sleeves of the psychopathic creation by the Neoliberals and the Neocons.

Monday, August 6, 2018

S R notes

white stout truck(wider than a 1500 RAM truck but about the same length and height} speeding towards my door in the u turn cut after Snoqualmie Pass i90.
shirtless 20 ish boys playing hooligans on either side of path after Bend in the river after puppy dog lure shadow boxing bearded and crazed on the left of path. What's a person to do but comment about it?

Socially Awkward from day one shy
8/8 Lion;s gate
Wanting to be normal in a way but always out on the fringe where people don't want to go. I want to talk about things deep even troubling. I want know. I want to fix it. I want to know it and being a under a cardinal sign then I want to move on.
People with gag orders tied around their necks are not free.
and then me not able to contain my negativity at my socially awkward moments of feeling judged and disdained. but it is the out folding of my own disdain for myself. Like the torus. I am working on the question of where am I in the Torus field of my life. I feel like I have been squeezed and am still being squeezed. I want to expand and not by limited by others programming, to not even care if they hate me, or judge me, but it is all just a dance of limitations, feeling the external world is the real and the internal world void and null. When I look at the torus, the rhythm the dance, the fractal the hologram, the limits of confined thinking. How easily we are programmed, is a recipe that the media masters. I want to challenge every one, to start thinking for themselves and be aware when you are being told what to think.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Monday, July 23, 2018

Open Letter to Congressman Gowdy

Dear Congressman Gowdy, I used to think that you had a spine of steel now I realize that you are under the same net of illusion as the rest of the Nation. You show so much misguided honor for our Intelligence Agencies that it makes me gag. Until there is transparancy and an audit, our CIA should be suspect and tried for involvement and cultivation for the most heinous crimes against humanity. I know you are from the South were a pretense of honor is strong. But supporting evil for your own safety is evil in itself which means that I am coming to the conclusion that you are another arm of the intelligence community who will not hold the community to the Constitution and you do this in the name of Safety. We are not safe. Fascism has been like a mold growing unseen in the USA but now is at flower and its spoors are in every aspect of governance.

It is time for exposure. It is time for the truth. (The FBI has never looked at the DNC servers. Mueller was the director of the FBI when 911 was perpetrated and allowed evidence to be sold to China). The Permanent State is a threat to all life on our planet. They are being steered by true evil and pretending that those at the helm are good and decent and don't lie under oath is naive at best and culpable at worst. We are at a time where the shrouds of darkness need to be removed and light allowed to bath the filth from our recent history of ruthless and unabated war, starvation and cruelty. This is what the CIA represents at this time on our Planet. It is not from fake news, I have known this since the assassinations of my youth.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sitting Duck

Trump talking about the Federal Reserve has made him a sitting duck. July 21 Trump said something about the Fed a couple days ago. This is the most dangerous thing that he has said. He can elude to the treacherous so called 'Intelligence' community being corrupt but attacking the bankers is treason to the bankers who have no love for community but want to bust up communities and divide to conquer communities. They should call the intelligence community a mafia like kabal that is corporate in nature who are there to protect the bankers. Promoting war and disruption throughout the world. Is it intelligent to poison the whole life support system of the planet like they are doing with the geoengineering .Geoengineering a prime example of the filth that has tied everyone within to oaths of secrecy and oaths of corruption?

The gag orders that workers have had to sign in order for employment -especially if these oaths cover treasonous or illegal activities- are fundamentally unconstitutional but the Supreme Court has been undermined and corrupted by the Intelligence Community. The judges cannot without threat of exposure and death come to conclusions that support the United State Citizen above the Corporation.

We will eventually need a full audit of all federal workers and their families to unravel the strings of corruption that if left as is threatens all levels of freedom, like the freedom to breath, the freedom to think, the freedom to be healthy.

My thoughts are
The Federal Reserve (a corporation) is the monetary system of the world and any country who wants out of this system of theft- gets destroyed starting with the US Intelligence System of supplying arms to terrorists and then our military comes in to destroy the so called terrorists which are really US operations. It is a putrid and sick system that has to be exposed and Mueller should be the first in line for full disclosure of how he is influenced. He has been walking a line for many years. Who is his handler?
They will try to kill Trump. They just haven't desided whether to be blatant or zap him as a heart attack or stroke. They may have given him the Scalia escape option...

Friday, July 20, 2018


Joseph Mengele who was Nazi mind control brought to the USA through 'Project Paper Clip'
We hear that Mueller might be giving John and Tony Podesta immunity to get them to testify in his little project.

It is sad that this is likely true that John Podesta's father is Joseph Mengele. That means that Podesta was likely groomed to be in the position of power that he is in. His worm like appearance is almost exactly like Mengele's appearance of pure evil. You got to feel a bit sorry for John, he has little hope.

We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
He said I was his friend
Which came as a surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
A long long time ago
Oh no, not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world
I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare
We walked a million hills
I must have died alone
A long long time ago

Oh no, not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world

I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land [Alt: I searched for foreign land]
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare
At all the millions here [Alt 1: We walked a million years]
[Alt 2: With multimillionaires]
[Alt 3: We walked a million hills]
I must have died alone [Alt: I must have died along]
A long, long time ago

Who knows?
Not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world

Who knows?
Not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world

Friday, July 13, 2018

What we need to comprehend

I feel like I couldn't understand why the world seems like it is a train running at full speed towards a hundred foot steel wall. When I realized that psychopaths have been in charge and promote other psychopaths to high positions, I see,now, the net over this world.
The art of Empire is cruelty and division. Fear has been embedded into our DNA. Fear to speak out or to even look at issues.
Why do we allow corporations to incorporate if they are not built upon the foundation of benefit to our existence? Big pharma and Monsanto's alliance is an example that dooms life on Earth by its myopic business model of making us sick while destroying our life support system, our eco systems.

The Vaccine issue- Why would I trust my government to know what is best for me and my family? I have a lot of reasons why I don't trust the government to have the best interest of the population in mind. A corrupt model for elections, where the majority of our politicians have to do the bidding of donors. or Bribery is a better word for our political system. I would love to audit all Congress, Supreme Court, Lobbyists, Generals, Admirals, (and their families) etc.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Monday, July 9, 2018

just went back and read my posts

How embarrasing. Should I delete my blog? Nobody reads it but is of record and can be hacked and changed, that is why I am thinking of getting rid of this blog. I need a survey?
Feeling like there are some posts in my blog that I didn't write. which is weird. reading something utterly alien to me from 2008. I feel like what it must feel to have a memory loss. Wow. I have been random and I have written some really strange stuff. Fingernail against the blackboard editing and un clear writing, most often. And my conclusions of thinking Obama was a hero betrayed by my intuition and gut about him. I figured it out slow as cold molasses. Now I see him dark, with a dangerous edge but not dangerous like his mentor, Hilary.

American Pie

Could the fires be started by Directed Energy Weapons? Brought to you by the one's who are the supposed Guardians of our Country?)???

Sunday, July 8, 2018


A memoir of the USA (the bouncer for the Permanent State). Intelligence or insanity?

Fascism- Here with glitter.

Forty one years later... How things have changed. Do bands even go live anymore? No cell phones. Surveillance was there but not so pervasive. We saw computers on Star Trek and heard about them. Big bulky rooms of computer. Now nano chips hold as much info as a room full data from the seventies.

Monday, June 25, 2018

White Rabbit

Friday, June 22, 2018

I Must Say

Every body knows that only a few companies own 90% of the media but they fail to reflect on the meaning and the reasons that this is the soft spot in the belly of free will. Control of information and unrestrained secrecy is not the structure for freedom of Speech and it limits our freedom of thought. Our thoughts are prompted by the external world. In turn the external world reflects our thoughts. Freedom of Thought, very important! Think about it!
"How is my thought limited and where do or did the constructs of my beliefs come from?"
If you say the Bible then you must know that many have died to preserve the voice or vibration of the Holy Spirit yet an equal amount of dark deeds have been propagated using its words. This is Satan's glee.

We are at a crossroads, it might take a couple years, to work itself out but the decisions we make this day will turn the coarse of our nations. We are at the USA's Pluto return. We will need to embrace our nation's quest. The higher frequency of freedom for all. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

We have at the helms of our governmental agencies, certifiable psychopaths as well as at the helm of most of the entrenched multinational corporations are Psychopaths. They are chosen for their abilities to not feel the pain of what they do to others including our life support system, Earth.

Our thoughts are controlled by where we focus our attention. A massive propaganda machine influences the prescription popping muted majority. The great database collects every conversation that we have around our computer, tv or cell phones. Collected and then mined for the highest bidder. Its a strange world, sometimes I hope for a poll shift so that everything gets scrambled and we have to start over. Not a man made poll shift.

At the bottom of the depths of these times, sometimes hidden, is consciousness rising and shifting. When we stop accepting the unacceptable, we will start seeing the truth all around us and our power for good will be multiplied.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Worse than

Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Matthew 23'27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Dragon Rising

He'd been tracking her for over ten years. Ten years. Today it was like a cloud lifted. He knew he was being taken off her because she was 23 7. Dead was the prognosis and they knew -he knew her -well enough to know she wasn't a threat to any one except... and that was the problem. It was like a veil was lifted. He was arising out of the murky depths of donuts and coke. He was supposed to be the good guy. He felt filthy and thick.

Tumbling down a deep hole. He never knew that the conspiracy theorist was actually studying real conspiracies. He thought she was a dangerous nut job.
And he hid from his own knowledge of conspiracy. He saw it but he shut his mind to it. He couldn't see it in a bazaar way. His boss with a sleeping unknown child. His bosses face full of the glee of conquest. Mr. Good-guy hid his gut from himself. Humf, "Can't take what's in front of me." Good Guy blind. Like the people who can't see the x's in the sky the lines of conquest that is killing the system of life. Unabated not even hidden anymore.

Statistics once said that one in fifty is psychopathic. One in twenty a sociopath. Good-guy wondered now, if he fit the description of sociopath? He looked it up: Sociopath -a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. His world was full of sociopaths. It seemed utterly acc

Monday, June 11, 2018

wooo doggy It is intence

He is over the target! If we don't open our eyes to our programming we will be wiped out along with the trees, the flowers, the bees and the birds. Poisoned.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Zeka will be in the Snews

Smelling the Air today with that special rain plus coolant formula makes me think of the children that were poisoned with chemicals in utero and then sold as the Zeta virus something that we will 'need' a vaccine for. That's all folks...

We let the worst of the worst go on and on. Stealing beauty, stealing vitality, stealing our support systems.
The people who stand and take note are taken out. Suicided, heart attacks, car 'accidents' and knifed to name but a few ways that they have to quiet opposition. Know this, the possessed ones want us dead. Period. But what kind of a world do we want? An utter nightmare or behold the magic and intricacies of life and beauty everywhere.

I think Jones hits true with his coverage of Anthony Bourdain's death. Absolutely in my view is not a suicide. The Paris police allowed a false flag attack with ease, that's probably why they chose the location of his murder.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Stop Now

Soros should be imprisoned and assets seized.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Drones are back

its 10_47 pm and low and behold the drones are back. I know there are two for sure. And it almost looked like the smaller one that is more golden is stationed right above the house. I saw it move and them go still, at least I thought it moved. A little drama for me. A few things that I am most concerned about them One, I assume that they are Governmental or sponsored by the Government, like the FBI saying gee they weren't assets they were informants.
The other thing I assume that they have energetic weapons on board or they are monitoring people one the ground. A little drama baby. I want to spit and cuss and eat ice cream. I don't have any ice cream. So I will cuss.

i am Nancy Brickman Friday harbor Washington 98250
The time to stand up is now!

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Two or three drones overhead

There are two maybe three drones over my house at this moment. My bed is under a skylight. It pisses me off

So, later next evening I started doing a search. we are screwed if we let this stand. wow. I am still pissed.

Friday, June 1, 2018

over and over and over

Gags on our freedom of speech, even in our Government, is utterly unconstitutional. They cannot legally mandate that we can't reveal felonies perpetrated in front of our faces. Although, I really don't think that Executive Orders are constitutional, I think that President Trump would be wise to state in an Executive Order that any FBI or CIA or any other Capital Agency that any agents that have witnessed or have evidence of illegal activities have a responsibility to come forward to reveal the rot inside of the Agencies. That anyone threatening them or their families will be imprisoned and tried without bail. And that the people who finance lawyers for them will be utterly and fully investigated.Maybe something like a South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation
Cut out the rot and if they promise to stop and remove themselves from power they won't be punished but if they keep up their unconstitutional and reprehensible activities they will be free no more.

To those who shutter and quake and shut their eyes, (hint-hint-congress)It will be your biggest regret. For all time you will be forever haunted by those that suffer and by the loss of the beauty in this world.

Yesterday the air smelled like plastic after they had striped coolant clouds across the sky.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Oyster Crackers

Is it because the old white man sees that he is inferior to the brown man that he uses every means that he has to destroy the brown man? Or is it his devotion to Lucifer that makes him feel strong even though he is just a worm on a hook?

Does he eat the suffering to make himself feel strong with the glee of power? :How do these shriveled white men control us, the masses? How do we not see the infiltration of lies into our minds and soul?

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Tommy Robinson OOPS

If we lose our freedom of speech and our freedom to associate we are not free.

Alex Jones insists that there is a gag order imposed on all UK citizens stating that they are not supposed to talk about the arrest of Thommy Robinson, the UK activist who has been exposing the pedophile rings in the highest of echelons of England's society. Watch out David Icke.

We know that this happened in Obama's administration:

I guarantee after Hilary offering to run facebook that the goosestep is on its way, that is if we allow.

It is beyond me, why people still trust mainstream news programs. Programs, programming you to accept mandatory vaccines, to accept them spraying formulas for population control over the heads of all, to accept the poisons that the Doctors prescribe (read the inactive ingredient lists) to accept that our taxes go to war and to the corporations that control our Senate and Congress and to accept the loss of our Constitution. If this keeps up we are doomed as a planet. Grow a pair boys.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Destiny or Yuck

“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” Fyodor Dostoyevesky


Internal and External Parasitical infections

We, the human race, have been deceived and warped, for thousands and thousands of years. We have been splintered and infected with deception and lies. All aimed at keeping us small and fearful and ready to abdicate our responsibility to the external authorities. We play victim and become entrenched in this victim-hood.

At this time I am in a battle with parasites within my body. A colorful monstrous array of parasites, from stick like red things, to an octopus like wad. From tape worms which have heads that make me gag and wreath. Thousands of round worms of assorted sizes, hook worms, liver flukes and white unknown flecks, bean-like things with long fibers attached, but the one that I have been puzzling over are these sheets of reddish chicken skin but tough that comes out after doing an enema they can be up to three inches wide. I have some pictures but flushed some fast because of the feeling of fear I get when I look at them.

The two that concern me most at this time of my cleanse, are the two that I can't find much information on/ I can find pictures of the exact parasite with questions but no answers. Oh some will claim that they are foods like tomato skins and potato skins. It seems like the internet has been scrubbed of answers. Then last night on a veterinary website I found pictures of the potato skin like sheets/ that came from a kittens autopsy of its lungs. Cat Lungworm which is a species of roundworm. So I conclude that the sheets coming out of my back-end are roundworm eggs. Yuck. I also conclude that they are intentionally ignored by our mainstream healthcare system, which is a money oriented system based on symptom suppression and a wealth of side effects which line the pockets of the indoctrinated Doctors.

I think the wisest people about parasites are Vets.

Maybe all of us who find mysterious critters in our poop need to turn to Veterinarians for tests and information, we could even have them assume that the fecal matter we submit are from our pets. That's my conclusion.

I must take note that it is the 22nd of May 2018\ 5+2+2=9 2+0+1+8=11 High probability of a parasitical drill gone live.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Know Thyself

Around 124 minutes

Compliance a moral deficiency y

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Pharma Karma

I love his rant at at about 14 minutes.

We have an embedded system of control going on in the developed world. We go cheering into war, a dangerous war, because 'they' want an excuse to cull the population. We have manufactured movements created by the false flags and the money thrown into buses and signs. They fill the air with intentional ingredients to stupefy humanity. they are planning to come to schools and coat our children's teeth with fluoride which will close off there pineal glands (their single eye} They use GMO's to poison the world. And so called medicines to suck our energy. All levels of a spiritual parasitic infections in our minds. We are trained into obedience. Our government does not believe in the constitution and the media is programming people to agree. Yes there is hypnosis and it is easy to program a human, all of us if we don't know how they do it. They do it by fear and confusion and then insert subliminal s signal ss that go directly into our subconscious mind.
There are demonic possessions and the demons are invited into the power elite's life by a form of Voodoo which demands torture as food. Minions of the power elite are controlled by fear, security and a mistaken beliefs. A belief boxes our mind into a frozen state. When we have a true relationship with our hearts and our soul, we then have a compass. It is vital to sift through our beliefs and dismantle the walls so we can truly see with our connection to this world and the actual unity that exists behind the veil of our belief. We are living in troubling times and every one of us has to grow our courage to see the Truth even though that then makes us responsible for our response to the Lie.

I hear so many elderly people say they do what ever the doctor tells them to do. It is a tragedy of magnitude. Our elders should be our teachers and our leaders. We are duped into submission and vaccines are one of the biggest systems of control that they have. They (the power elites, or voodoo maniacs) are running out of time and are ruthless.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

A Story

Studying Herbs because I have an infestation
studying the world because the world has an infestation.
Studying other stuff to meld with the world despite the woe.

Here's a story for ya.

There was once a community
a fine and beautiful community

And there was an abandoned gravel mining operation that the County took over and decided to make a walking loop. But oh look, its so close to the water. We need a holding pen, you know for control of the ones who might need to be hauled off this oh so beautiful Island. No more public access while they set the pens rolling.
I say too much. Can't help myself. Looky what they are building. Do you want to be a part of that? Gee what a day

Interesting how the ghost's left hand changes from an open hand to a peace symbol in the second movie.

Another note: If Russia could hack our elections our voting we need to hand count paper ballots. period. I think somone else got stopped in stealing the election.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Things Have Changed

The great divide and how they manipulate our minds. Each thought that I think is my choice, but mention anything and the listener has to think about it or go blank as in check out, leave the mental body. We have to learn to filter yet still see. A neutrality. We are collectively are being corralled into believing lies. Stop the lies we squeal and then make false laws that limit freedom of speech therefore limiting freedom of thought. A circle of viciousness.

Play "Things Have Changed"
on Amazon Music

"Things Have Changed"
(from "Wonder Boys" soundtrack)

A worried man with a worried mind
No one in front of me and nothing behind
There’s a woman on my lap and she’s drinking champagne
Got white skin, got assassin’s eyes
I’m looking up into the sapphire-tinted skies
I’m well dressed, waiting on the last train

Standing on the gallows with my head in a noose
Any minute now I’m expecting all hell to break loose

People are crazy and times are strange
I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range
I used to care, but things have changed

This place ain’t doing me any good
I’m in the wrong town, I should be in Hollywood
Just for a second there I thought I saw something move
Gonna take dancing lessons, do the jitterbug rag
Ain’t no shortcuts, gonna dress in drag
Only a fool in here would think he’s got anything to prove

Lot of water under the bridge, lot of other stuff too
Don’t get up gentlemen, I’m only passing through


I’ve been walking forty miles of bad road
If the Bible is right, the world will explode
I’ve been trying to get as far away from myself as I can
Some things are too hot to touch
The human mind can only stand so much
You can’t win with a losing hand

Feel like falling in love with the first woman I meet
Putting her in a wheelbarrow and wheeling her down the street


I hurt easy, I just don’t show it
You can hurt someone and not even know it
The next sixty seconds could be like an eternity
Gonna get low down, gonna fly high
All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie
I’m in love with a woman who don’t even appeal to me

Mr. Jinx and Miss Lucy, they jumped in the lake
I’m not that eager to make a mistake

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Pure ...

EVIL---> MINDS that operate on an intellectual level with ruthless greed. Capturing. Capture. A predator that stashes its prey and offers it to a HEARTLESS POWER to manipulate this reality into HELL instead of the Paradise that it would naturally be.

Another comment on the day

Top Secret Classification, If it is classified top secret to hide illegal acts, the top secret classification should be null and void because, WE THE PEOPLE need to know what our government is up to .

The Beat Goes On Sonny and Cher


Sunday, February 25, 2018



what ya gonna do?

coded texts

break some codes It is pretty obvious who the players are... this song kind of tells someone which questions to ask.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

pre imagination NEO

If I were to predict what the old balls and teets main plan is would be the numbskull idea of neutron bomb only now are beyond the george jetson ray guns but drones that can resonate a killing frequency. yipee! Aren't THEY smart? THE POSSESSED- may their balls shrivel and they fade from power.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


That is right
-Possession- is what we are dealing with... People possessed and have 'a total eclipse of the heart' I gotta feel sorry for them , even though on a level they allowed themselves to be duped.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Friday, February 16, 2018


Algorithms and tops spinning

Away away untangle from the shroud set before the path meant
for us
all stranded
cold given steel and lies as medicine
the spider stalks its prey quietly at first
not to disrupt and make a flutter

chemically labotomized at any moment they choose if you believe their steel heart cold calculations
humanity set as prey

Monday, February 12, 2018

Creepy Clowns

The group behind creating the Georgia Guidestones are likely- I would say 99.99% likely- to be the same ones who are at the helm of the vaccine industry and DHARPA. They are like Lyme's Disease. Embedded in all of the tissues of our government and communities. Under the influence of demonic forces, they do their brutal blood rituals as payment for their powers. But once we know our sovereignty, these demonic forces will be removed from influence and these people will be deflated, limp, bewildered and dangerous.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


All of the things to worry about, having been trained on worry as a form of Love (which when I THINK about it I know is not true}
We are poised in a moment that has long been planned. The villains, making a good show for us to sleep on. We have overslept. They are set to play their hand of taking the bulk of the population down. WE have no security in trying to be safe by following orders and doing what we are told. Safety is not the goal. The goal is TRUTH creating form through us. This means knowing what we truly know through the connection to the Divine. Allowing the freedom to connect to the higher realms.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Pusher Man

Sell out of the USA
the Pusher

Peter Breggin MD
Enough is enough, sell outs to the Programming of money and false security that impales our future into doom.. Enough is enough... How I long to believe the roar of Obama when he said "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" WHILE he encrypted our transfer into the New World Order. The New World Order that is killing the planet because of sell outs, people who tremble at seeing the raw truth of the state that we are in and are willing to turn a blind eye to the rot that is threatening each and every person on Earth.




Friday, February 2, 2018


I heard today that Trey Gowdey, the, Esteemed Congressman from South Carolina is not going to run for reelection.
Even though I probably would have argument with many of his conclusions, I could listen to him all day.
He is a hero, to me, and will need protection from all quarters, which above all includes God, the true God that is behind and within all things/\. Trey Gowdy will be in my prayers and thanksgiving. He has courage that most congressmen don't have..
He has changed this country, without him, things wouldn't have reached for a clean up of the theft that is going on in our country by the Senators and Congressman, the DOD, FBI, CIA, CBC AND on and on I could go. It is atrocious and Trey
Gowdey had the Courage to stand up and say hell no, this isn't right. Thank you Congressman Gowdy. Thank you.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

1 2 3....3 2 1 While they deeply slept...

Whoopy Is it real or is it make believe?

Wakey wakey

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Thursday, January 18, 2018

gimme that thing

It looks suspicious that Bill Clinton and Huma Abedin were both in Hawaii at the time of the Nuclear warning system scare. Was it coincidence? a distraction from the upcoming indictments or were they just getting their stories straight?

Monday, January 15, 2018

Long as I cCan See the Light

To the heroes of this day: Stay in the Light. The means justify the end.
Transparency. Top Secret does not mean- hide immoral and illegal activities. Whistle-blowers need to expose the puss and infection of the neocon and neo-liberal nightmare. Trillions distributed. How rich are the long term Senators and long term Congressmen? How rich are the Supreme Court Justices and how did they amass their wealth?

Sunday, January 14, 2018



It feels like a viper den has been stirred and threatened and she (Hillary) will stop at nothing to do the bidding of her Regent which is organized against life itself.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018



Monday, January 8, 2018

Tendency to fold our past into our future

"Most Souls project their past into the future in order to feel secure, and that is the reason why history keeps repeating itself".

If even a fraction of this is true, it is unacceptable.
Will this be our Future?

Rage- all I can say is the intellect unshuttered by the heart is indeed our enemy. I am having a swearing attack. Assholes ....

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Inconvenient Truth

I'm sitting here reading about the nodes of Pluto[ ] which I believe the North Node is about 19° cancer right now. Pluto is conjunct its own South Node in Capricorn. As I read, I start raging about Al Gore. Al Gore who has scared the world with his movie Inconvenient Truth about weather disasters and our future. Disasters that are caused and influenced by corporate greed and cartels, that manipulate our weather constantly now. As in the weather bomb that is crucifying the center of our nation this week. I rage at Al Gore for the secret weather modification and his investment in these disaster capitalism tactics. He had the audacity to team up with a man with the last name of Blood making his firm to be called Blood and Gore. This is telling of what he really is.

We have upon this planet, rulers who use voodoo practices and demonic satanic cult rituals seeking power from demons that do rule this world at this time because people turn their head and allow them to rule. Pedophilia, bloodsport, blood ingestion are their common practices (see Spirit Cooking and who loves attending these parties). We all have been under a spell offered us from these demons. Anyone who refuses to study what is in vaccines before vaccinating their children are under this spell. They have infused vaccinations with human fetal cells, thus setting up a fusion of DNA into our children's bodies, there are also monkey testicles and rotten eggs in these formulas, our bodies were not made to have foreign DNA inserted into our blood. That we are in trance enough to allow this mandatory vaccination program that they are going to try to mandate throughout the USA is horrifying to me.

Today, Gore, is invested in weather modification and these weather modification formulas. There has been evidence that these formulas also include human DNA and blood in them. There are also nanoparticles of aluminum that some people estimate are able to self gather in our bodies. These nanoparticles that are causing storms and droughts and other weather catastrophes, are now in our brains, our soil, our air, and basically everywhere.

I rage, because I don't know what else to do. I think horrible thoughts towards people like Kissinger and Al Gore because they represent all the neoliberal and neocon agenda on this planet that creates war against all people because the demons don't have to live. The demons eat suffering. That is where they feel powerful. I have to address my own demons in my heart, that thinks these horrible thoughts instead of looking for solutions. So I pray today that I be cleansed and purged of my demons and programming that makes me rage in a way that I want to mutilate these people for mutilating our people. Especially our children.

I realize that this rage is because I feel helpless and I feel the suffering of the people being cruelly led down the path of destruction and evil. I know that I should feel compassion for the stolen souls because some kind of cruelty was inflicted upon them. But they are adults now and have to stop and have to be stopped that is what Pluto's nodes are demanding of us.

The amount of suffering that they have planned for this planet is massive. They must be contained and it will be through knowledge of metaphysics combined with information that will stop them. Metaphysics that have got to have the beacon of Love at the tip of the sword. That's where I need to go. I need to follow the beacon within my heart, the Christ, first.