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Saturday, September 29, 2018


Beautiful Dreamer
How many people would have a glimmer of understanding about what he is talking about in this interview when he talks about the time space continuum? The collective cascade is already plugged into AI. The question is: Will these people be strong enough to break away from their trance?

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


I screamed at my mom on Sunday because her neurologist put her on Depakote again and she started taking them. Last time she was on them she had symptoms of Alzheimer and eyes were not tracking and she was not tracking. So I screamed, yelled what ever you want to call it and then realized that I was hurting her by judging so harshly her journey. Me yelling has never won an argument and hurts my case and my reliability.
My moon is at the same degree as Donald Trumps (21 sag and Uranus is conjunct both of our suns - mine is in the sign ahead of the sun, his is behind his sun. Both aspects indicate foot in mouth and rashness in speaking and responding without thinking.

In the Qi Revolution work shop this week-end, I realized how I can be a cord with energy sparking and its flying around like an overcharged hose. I noticed that I throw energy around without awareness. I need to learn to contain my energy and direct it in a thoughtful manner.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Weather Documents - Why they matter...

it is not my individual self that I worry about when it comes to the insertion of chemicals in our sky...It is that this operation is done in secret with secret agendas written by the psychopathic machine that eats death and destruction on our planet. killing our trees by changing the pH of the forest floor and the atmosphere we and all life breaths- the chemicals are micronized so that we ingest them through our breath, our water and our food. Chemicals with an agenda dark are added to these secret propitiatory formulas that are being applicated without our consent but through manipulation of our minds so that these chemical trails in the sky go unnoticed and unimportant. Wake up and look at the trees. They are dying in my region. And it is NOT from water stress! It is from chemical stress. This is why this topic is vital for all to understand and see.

Monday, September 10, 2018

High Holy Days

May the reality of Atonement be claimed by Humanity.

"Rumors Of Glory"

Above the dark town
After the sun's gone down
Two vapour trails cross the sky
Catching the day's last slow goodbye
Black skyline looks rich as velvet
Something is shining
Like gold but better
Rumours of glory

Smiles mixed with curses
The crowd disperses
About whom no details are known
Each one alone yet not alone
Behind the pain/fear
Etched on the faces
Something is shining
Like gold but better
Rumours of glory

You see the extremes
Of what humans can be?
In that distance some tension's born
Energy surging like a storm
You plunge your hand in
And draw it back scorched
Beneath it's shining like
Gold but better
Rumours of glory


I have said it before, again and again. Empire has a recipe. It is being implemented. Mind control starts with fear, chaos and confusion. That is why they are into pedophilia. Pedophilia shatters the spectrum of personality and then they can insert and control the aspects of behavior they want into the child (sometimes it doesn't work).

Look what Empire did to the First Nations of Canada they shattered the children taking them from their families and subjecting them to conditions to break their will, knowledge. They splintered the personalities so that fear is ever presen. Fear of knowledge -> is the KEY to Empire.

The thing is, the unthinkable things that these people do, were done to them.

The Charity of Night last stanzas
Wave on wave of life
Like the great wide ocean's roll
Haunting hands of memory
Pluck silver strands of soul
The damage and the dying done
The clarity of light
Gentle bows and glasses raised
To the charity of night

Pacific glimmers silver
Moon full over shadow mansion
West coast - Can't say when
There is incense and the heat-driven scent of flowers

Friday, September 7, 2018

Wondering Where the Lions Are

Stopping for a moment to feel the lions waking up. Ecstasy
Another word that has been stolen. Take it back.