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Sunday, February 25, 2018



what ya gonna do?

coded texts

break some codes It is pretty obvious who the players are... this song kind of tells someone which questions to ask.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

pre imagination NEO

If I were to predict what the old balls and teets main plan is would be the numbskull idea of neutron bomb only now are beyond the george jetson ray guns but drones that can resonate a killing frequency. yipee! Aren't THEY smart? THE POSSESSED- may their balls shrivel and they fade from power.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


That is right
-Possession- is what we are dealing with... People possessed and have 'a total eclipse of the heart' I gotta feel sorry for them , even though on a level they allowed themselves to be duped.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Friday, February 16, 2018


Algorithms and tops spinning

Away away untangle from the shroud set before the path meant
for us
all stranded
cold given steel and lies as medicine
the spider stalks its prey quietly at first
not to disrupt and make a flutter

chemically labotomized at any moment they choose if you believe their steel heart cold calculations
humanity set as prey

Monday, February 12, 2018

Creepy Clowns

The group behind creating the Georgia Guidestones are likely- I would say 99.99% likely- to be the same ones who are at the helm of the vaccine industry and DHARPA. They are like Lyme's Disease. Embedded in all of the tissues of our government and communities. Under the influence of demonic forces, they do their brutal blood rituals as payment for their powers. But once we know our sovereignty, these demonic forces will be removed from influence and these people will be deflated, limp, bewildered and dangerous.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


All of the things to worry about, having been trained on worry as a form of Love (which when I THINK about it I know is not true}
We are poised in a moment that has long been planned. The villains, making a good show for us to sleep on. We have overslept. They are set to play their hand of taking the bulk of the population down. WE have no security in trying to be safe by following orders and doing what we are told. Safety is not the goal. The goal is TRUTH creating form through us. This means knowing what we truly know through the connection to the Divine. Allowing the freedom to connect to the higher realms.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Pusher Man

Sell out of the USA
the Pusher

Peter Breggin MD
Enough is enough, sell outs to the Programming of money and false security that impales our future into doom.. Enough is enough... How I long to believe the roar of Obama when he said "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" WHILE he encrypted our transfer into the New World Order. The New World Order that is killing the planet because of sell outs, people who tremble at seeing the raw truth of the state that we are in and are willing to turn a blind eye to the rot that is threatening each and every person on Earth.




Friday, February 2, 2018


I heard today that Trey Gowdey, the, Esteemed Congressman from South Carolina is not going to run for reelection.
Even though I probably would have argument with many of his conclusions, I could listen to him all day.
He is a hero, to me, and will need protection from all quarters, which above all includes God, the true God that is behind and within all things/\. Trey Gowdy will be in my prayers and thanksgiving. He has courage that most congressmen don't have..
He has changed this country, without him, things wouldn't have reached for a clean up of the theft that is going on in our country by the Senators and Congressman, the DOD, FBI, CIA, CBC AND on and on I could go. It is atrocious and Trey
Gowdey had the Courage to stand up and say hell no, this isn't right. Thank you Congressman Gowdy. Thank you.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

1 2 3....3 2 1 While they deeply slept...

Whoopy Is it real or is it make believe?

Wakey wakey