Fundamentalist Christians seem to be the most fear=full and judgemental people in this country. They are matches energetically of the Taliban. They divide to conquer. Conquering is their game. They disregard the Gospel of Christ to follow the old testament rules of man. They don't actually believe because if they did they wouldn't be so afraid. there I go again pointing at them, which is really an aspect of me.rap that one around your brain. OH BY THE way, peroxide with child (3 ISH) four runner I think the license is 049 UCY or something (I wrote it down, its in my car)
cute dosey doh today switch horses mid stream moment
sheet man! YOu don't even have a clue do ya?
Two couples
switched partners in store by the apples
Another lone 30ish male /first one that I noticed was a brown/red head (brown squinty eyes) guy with a trying to look at cheese moment
how would you feel? what would you do? I am in a quandary about what you think that you are doing? kind of questionable if you think about it. Denial is a serious habit. I know I am always trying to avoid my denial.
Easter note:
scrubbed up Christian kids without a clue
Lies ooze from lips like a kiss from Judas
and yes, I will call them traitors to their faces a traitor to Their soul