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Friday, February 2, 2018


I heard today that Trey Gowdey, the, Esteemed Congressman from South Carolina is not going to run for reelection.
Even though I probably would have argument with many of his conclusions, I could listen to him all day.
He is a hero, to me, and will need protection from all quarters, which above all includes God, the true God that is behind and within all things/\. Trey Gowdy will be in my prayers and thanksgiving. He has courage that most congressmen don't have..
He has changed this country, without him, things wouldn't have reached for a clean up of the theft that is going on in our country by the Senators and Congressman, the DOD, FBI, CIA, CBC AND on and on I could go. It is atrocious and Trey
Gowdey had the Courage to stand up and say hell no, this isn't right. Thank you Congressman Gowdy. Thank you.