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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sitting Duck

Trump talking about the Federal Reserve has made him a sitting duck. July 21 Trump said something about the Fed a couple days ago. This is the most dangerous thing that he has said. He can elude to the treacherous so called 'Intelligence' community being corrupt but attacking the bankers is treason to the bankers who have no love for community but want to bust up communities and divide to conquer communities. They should call the intelligence community a mafia like kabal that is corporate in nature who are there to protect the bankers. Promoting war and disruption throughout the world. Is it intelligent to poison the whole life support system of the planet like they are doing with the geoengineering .Geoengineering a prime example of the filth that has tied everyone within to oaths of secrecy and oaths of corruption?

The gag orders that workers have had to sign in order for employment -especially if these oaths cover treasonous or illegal activities- are fundamentally unconstitutional but the Supreme Court has been undermined and corrupted by the Intelligence Community. The judges cannot without threat of exposure and death come to conclusions that support the United State Citizen above the Corporation.

We will eventually need a full audit of all federal workers and their families to unravel the strings of corruption that if left as is threatens all levels of freedom, like the freedom to breath, the freedom to think, the freedom to be healthy.

My thoughts are
The Federal Reserve (a corporation) is the monetary system of the world and any country who wants out of this system of theft- gets destroyed starting with the US Intelligence System of supplying arms to terrorists and then our military comes in to destroy the so called terrorists which are really US operations. It is a putrid and sick system that has to be exposed and Mueller should be the first in line for full disclosure of how he is influenced. He has been walking a line for many years. Who is his handler?
They will try to kill Trump. They just haven't desided whether to be blatant or zap him as a heart attack or stroke. They may have given him the Scalia escape option...