Treasury of the United States the Weather Mitigation Research and Development Fund,
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
Lovely words pretend to help
(collected from on January 30,2009)
A Plan for the next phase in Weather Modification Science and Technology
T.P. DeFelice
Weather modification science and
technology development plans have been
constructed (e.g. Schaefer, 1969, 1976;
Juisto, 1974). Those plans have lead to
modern weather modification technologies,
which have been helping the community at
large meet water resource requirements for
over 50 years. Present-day cloud seeding
technologies and the recognition of treatable
clouds are scientifically based. The scientific
community acknowledges that cloud seeding
yields a 10% increase in the amount of
precipitation (compared with normal
precipitation) that reaches the ground when
the seeding is prudently conducted under
favorable atmospheric conditions (e.g.
Weather Modification Association, 2005;
American Meteorological Society, 1998;
Elliott et al., 1995; Weather Modification
Association, 1993; World Meteorological
Organization, 1992). Apparently, some
stakeholders benefit greatly from an order of
magnitude less increase in the amount of
rainfall (compared with normal rainfall).
Weather modification technologies
may be affectively applied to facilitate the
water and energy cycles, which are key to
dealing with many present and potential
future scientific, environmental, and
socioeconomic issues. Contemporary
socioeconomic problems mostly focus on
drought. For example, there is a clear and
pressing need for additional clean water,
since it is predicted that more than 40% of
the world.s population will live in waterstressed
areas by the decade of the 2020s.
There is also steadily increasing property
damage and human suffering caused by
hazardous weather (e.g., freezing rain,
severe weather), fire, and other
environmental problems (related to toxic
wastes, ozone hole, .acid rain., biological or
chemical warfare, CDC 2000, for example).
Technological and scientific advances have
recently yielded, new seeding material,
polarimetric radar, Doppler radar and
software, and enhanced computational
resources (e.g. Orville et al., 2000; NRC,
2003). Hence, an impetus for developing
systems that monitor and manage
atmospheric events. The atmospheric events
are treatable using proven and some new
modern weather modification technologies,
and they include hurricanes, tornadoes, and
pollutant transport. Consequently, the next
phase in weather modification science and
technology development is to outline a highlevel
national program plan for developing
modern weather modification science and
technologies that takes advantage of lessons
learned, recent science and technological
advances for more effectively benefiting
The .next phase. in weather
modification science and technology
development will encompass a
comprehensive agenda of fundamental and
applied research & development efforts
directed toward optimizing existing
technologies used to manage .treatable.
atmospheric processes and conditions, and
to allow the development of relevant
innovative technologies. It will require a
permanent, national program that
administers the resources and the activities
to develop the operational application of
atmospheric modification (weather
modification) technologies, which help
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
provide sustainable water supplies and
mitigate the excessive effects from
atmospheric hazards (frozen rain,
hurricanes, tornadoes, other). This includes
improving the understanding of the relevant
processes and the evaluation methods for
operational activities as suggested by
Silverman (2001a), making use of
cooperative multi-disciplinary research and
development arrangements, and a welldesigned
outreach activity.
Lessons learned activities, as well as
recent science and technological advances
have identified many focal areas for initial
efforts undertaken during the next phase in
weather modification science and technology
There is a need to develop the ability
to better simulate, and thereby, identify and
monitor atmospheric events, airborne
pollutants, and select inadvertent weather
modification signatures. This ability
combined with improved seeding
technologies will maximize the benefit and
success of this program since they contribute
to the resolution of water-related issues
(especially water scarcity). These
improvements, when combined with
improved scientific understanding, provide a
more useful tool for determining when and
where the atmosphere or cloud can most
likely benefit from implementing the
improved or new technologies.
Developing improved dispersion
techniques and higher yield cloud seeding
agents are needed for obvious reasons. The
development of technologies to .treat.
hazardous weather systems (e.g. freezing
rain, hail formation, tornadoes, hurricanes)
are more critically needed, and will benefit
from past and ongoing research results,
especially research using ground-, air-, and
satellite-based remote sensing devices
(radars including Doppler, lidars,
radiometers, and others). The
aforementioned need is rather ominous, but
necessary and attainable in time. Initial
efforts to develop an understanding of how
present-day cloud seeding technologies can
be applied and modified to lessen the
socioeconomic impacts of hazardous
weather events and materials might begin
with the information gained from simulating
these systems, then with these models
modify them to include the results from
applying various seeding technologies. The
modeling of seeding agent tracer study
results would greatly improve seeding agent
placement within cloud systems, and they
could form the basis for Homeland Security
needs (J. Golden, NOAA, FSL, Boulder
Co., 2004, personal communication).
The state-of-the-art cloud seeding
technologies might be ready for application
toward mitigating the effects of freezing rain
events. The knowledge base is not large
enough to reliably support tornado .zapping.
or hurricane .snuffing. efforts. It may one
day support these efforts after appropriately
funded and directed cooperative research
campaigns have been completed. The
existing cloud seeding technologies are
operationally used to reduce hailstone size,
and may possibly be used to reduce the
intensity of rotational hurricane winds. The
reductions in hurricane rotational wind
speeds following cloud seeding (.Esther. in
1961, .Beulah. in 1963, and 30% for
.Debbie. in 1969), were not statistically
distinguishable from the range of natural
variability, and is not yet scientifically
accepted. Consequently, modeling studies
should dominate these efforts, initially.
Simulation and modeling studies will
require verification. This should be accomplished
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
through carefully designed cooperative efforts.
Cloud seeding program evaluations also need to
be improved. Evaluations require revisiting
whether measuring devices used for evaluations
are primary standards, if not, does one exist, if so
is there a better device? For example, is the
standard precipitation gauge truly a primary
standard for precipitation amount measurements?
That is, does it represent the natural spatial and
temporal precipitation amount field (e.g. DeFelice,
1998) under all conditions, or better than
alternative measuring devices? The answer is
crucial to evaluating the success of precipitation
augmentation projects, for example. If not, could
the Z(reflectivity) - L(precipitation water content)
relationship be used to estimate rainfall amount?
The Z-L would not require estimates of
hydrometeor terminal velocity, and L can be
verified using a dual wavelength microwave
Inadvertant modification studies
need to be increased, and not solely from a
climate change point-of-view. For example,
a land cover change from agricultural to
urban over a modest area can introduce a
climatic forcing similar in magnitude and
direction to that from carbon dioxide (R.
Pielke Sr., 2001, personal communication).
Here initial efforts should at least focus on
strategies for (a) minimizing the effect from
inadvertent modifications to the atmosphere,
and (b) neutralizing airborne pollutants
within cloud systems or redirecting their air
trajectories to settle on .safe surfaces..
The plan, derived from past lessons
learned, including DeFelice (2002), must
address the current and near future needs of
the WMA community and also provide the
high-level infrastructure to address the
recommendations from the parent science
community (Table 1). Table 1 summarizes
how the plan objectives align with
recommendations from the National
Research Council (NRC). This plan will
benefit from project management process
improvement exercises currently underway
by the author.
It is important to make clear that the
implementation of this plan calls for tackling
tasks, issues within components (i), (ii), and
(iii) in a multi-disciplinary, cross-component
environment that exists throughout the
entire life cycle of the plan. This is
accomplished by
(i) specifying well-defined plan
member roles and responsibilities
at all levels within the plan at the
plan.s kickoff meeting.
(ii) Developing carefully designed
cooperative research and
development efforts whose
purpose is to enhance the
understanding of the inherent
multi-disciplinary processes for
the good of the operational WMA
community. This has economic
benefits to the program as well.
Furthermore, the plan must have
somebody, i.e., functional area lead,
chartered to ensure that matured plan
technologies are transferred to stakeholders
and end users in a timely fashion.
The alternative could repeat
historical performance.
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
Table 1. This plan versus NRC 2003 plan recommendations
1. This plan assumes a permanent, national
(if not international) program that would
administer the resources and the activities for
all research and development efforts directed
toward optimizing the technologies used to
manage the efficiency of atmospheric
hydrological processes.
1. .Because weather modification could
potentially contribute to alleviating water
resource stresses and severe weather
hazards, . A renewed commitment to
advancing our knowledge of fundamental
atmospheric processes central to the issues
of intentional and inadvertant weather
modification .....
2. This plan outlines a comprehensive
agenda of fundamental and applied research and
development efforts directed toward optimizing
the technologies used to operationally manage
the efficiency of atmospheric hydrological
processes to help provide sustainable water
supplies. See Resource Requirements
2. .Coordinated research program
includes. Carry out exploratory and
confirmatory experiments . Hygroscopic
seeding .Orographic Seeding . Studies
of specific seeding effects ...
.Capitalizing on existing field facilities
and developing partnerships among
research groups and select operational
3. This plan calls for developing:
-better monitoring capabilities for all
atmospheric events, including frozen rain,
hurricanes & tornadoes, airborne pollutants.
-more effective dispersion techniques
-higher yield seeding agents for warm & cold
-improved evaluation protocols.
-strategies to minimize inadvertent weather
3. .. coordinated national program
be developed to conduct a sustained
research effort in the areas of cloud and
precipitation microphysics, cloud
dynamics, cloud modeling, laboratory
studies and field measurements designed
to reduce key uncertainties..
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
Program Organization:
The plan program would be organized into
five functional areas as shown in Figure 1,
and would have initial goals, based on
lessons-learned and recent scientific -
technological advances, that are similar to
the following.
Weather Modification Event
Monitoring/Analysis Prediction System
Goals- (i) High resolution
monitoring/analysis prototype systems able
to identify the atmospheric conditions
conducive to beneficial precipitation
augmentation, hail suppression, and other
hazardous storm suppression (freezing rain,
hurricanes, tornadoes, other). (ii) Transfer
information to the Professional
Development/Public Outreach activity.
Glaciogenic and Nonglaciogenic Seeding
Technology Research/Development
Goals- (i) Better nucleation efficiency of
possible warm cloud, cold cloud, and other
.cloud. seeding materials. (ii) More efficient
delivery (dispersion) systems for a given
application as identified under (i). (iii)
Transfer results to Professional
Development/Public Outreach activity.
Applications Research/Development
Goals- (i) Improved evaluation
methodologies. (ii) Operational atmospheric
management monitoring/analysis prediction
systems. (iii) (a). Verified high resolution
models with explicit microphysics for
understanding Hazardous storms,
inadvertent modification of atmospheric
conditions, and other associated
phenomenon (environmental and as
directed). (b) Implement (iii, a) with seeding
material introduced. (iv) Improved targeting
systems. (v) Improved applicability of
evaluation technologies (e.g. dual, polarized,
Doppler radars, tracer techniques). (vi)
Transfer systems and results to professional
development/public outreach activity for
feedback on operational usefulness, and finetune
them based on users. input.
Professional Development, Public Outreach
Goals- (i) Develop and present educational
materials, demonstrations, workshops, and
colloquia that emphasize the relevant
applications derived from this program.s
activities and related technologies. (ii)
Coordinate the technology transfer to
program customers. (iii) Conduct interactive
open houses with public
Plan Management and Support
Goals- (i) Provide overall programmatic
metrics, guidance, and support during the
life of this program. (ii) Participate in the
definition and development of future and
related technology investigations. (iii)
Administer seed grants for innovative or
new applied research and applications.
The triangle in Figure 1 symbolizes the
interdependence of these functional plan
areas. A core group consisting of the
necessary skill mix to comprehensively
address the underlying issue, and a
representative from the end user should be
assigned to each objective.
Program Objectives:
The initial program-wide objectives are:
1. Develop a system to identify and
monitor all atmospheric environmental
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
conditions that are good candidates for
beneficial modification through its
developed technologies.
2. Develop technologies to more
efficiently treat
a. traditional cold and warm
cloud systems
b. weather and environmental
3. Validate/verify the operational and
computational aspects of weather
modification technologies and systems
developed under this program.
4. Develop strategies to minimize the
effects from the inadvertent
modification of atmospheric conditions
(formerly termed inadvertent weather
5. Create a proactive professional
development and public outreach
Figure 1. Program Organizational Chart.
An effective outreach activity should
not only feed the scientific and engineering
communities through publications and
presentations, but also provide the public
Applications Research/
Weather Modification Event Monitoring /
Analysis Prediction System Development
Glaciogenic & Nonglaciogenic
Seeding Technology
Plan Management
Professional Development,
Public Outreach
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
with a better understanding of its mission
through the number of activities it sponsors
or coordinates and the access it provides. It
will coordinate the technology transfer to
program customers. A strong outreach
activity can alleviate public misconceptions,
especially a proactive one that provides
interested individuals an opportunity to
participate by running an appropriate
.simulator., or by setting up volunteer
programs that allow them to help collect
data needed for model verification and
development. The outreach activity could
also help concentrate the overwhelming
collection of scientific, engineering, and
technological knowledge gained since the
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):
The Program Manager would use standard
project management tools to track task
schedule and cost metrics for the plan tasks
presented in the high-level tasking of work to
be performed under this plan (or work
breakdown structure-WBS). Table 2
summarizes the WBS.
Table 2. A suggested high-level tasking of work (WBS)
1. Atmospheric Modification Monitor/Analysis Prediction System Development
a. Real-time monitoring component
i. Precipitation augmentation (all systems-orographic, etc)
ii. Hail suppression
iii. Other hazardous storms
a. Analytical component
2. Glaciogenic and Non-glaciogenic Seeding Technology Research/Development
a. Seeding material nucleation ability optimization
i. Warm cloud
ii. Cold cloud
a. Seeding material delivery system development
i. Warm cloud
ii. Cold cloud
3. Applications Research/Development
a. Evaluation methodologies
b. Model and prediction system development and verification
c. Targeting system
d. Evaluation technologies (dual polarized Doppler radar, tracer techniques, other)
e. Inadvertent weather modification/global climate change
4. Atmospheric Modification Professional Development, Public Outreach
5. Program Management and Support
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
Resource Requirements (anticipated):
This program would require a budget
adequate for successful fulfillment of its
objectives. Precedent is set by successful
medical and other science programs,
wherein substantial, long-term, committed
funding has lead to positive results. Making
such an investment for this plan very soon
and continuing it through the decade of the
2040.s, will most probably ensure that
significantly less than 40% of the world.s
population will reside in water-stressed
areas, for example.
Office and some laboratory space
will be required, and should be capable of
housing 120 employees. An east coast
location would maximize the benefit from
interacting with NOAA, DoD, DOE, DOI,
NASA, other government centers and
laboratories, and other relevant
organizations. There should never be less
than 70-80 FTEs for support and technical
staff, 5-10 FTEs for student interns, and 15-
20 FTEs for all program administrative staff.
DeFelice (2002) provided a breakdown
between FTEs and high-level activity (i.e.,
titles in Figure 1 objects). The laboratory
space could be used for data analyses,
experimental cloud studies to develop
modeling algorithms, nucleation
experimentation with ice, water, and perhaps
other substances (such as polymers, etc.), as
well as the development of instrumentation
and information technology applications that
are especially relevant to the data collected
and analyzed through this program. This
could include the development of 3 state-ofthe
art cloud chambers to study ice, water
and other species nucleation. The
laboratory should also house computers
capable of archiving and processing large
volumes (i.e., mega terabytes) of multidisciplinary
data in near real-time,
instrumentation storage compartment(s), an
area for instrument calibration, and other
standard laboratory ware, as appropriate.
Cooperative Agreement Candidates
(anticipated): This plan must contain
cooperative agreements (or equivalent, i.e.,
MOUs- memorandums of understandings)
with the National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Research Applications Program,
already dedicated to atmospheric
modification activities, research aircraft and
relevant resources at the South Dakota
School of Mines and Technology Institute of
Atmospheric Sciences, University of North
Dakota, Weather Modification Inc., NOAA,
and the University of Oklahoma MESONET
to help with various aspects of model
development/ validation efforts and other
physical studies. The agreements should
also be extended to Woodley Associates,
North American Weather Consultants,
Atmospherics Incorporated, as well as other
relevant companies, organizations,
universities, and government agencies (e.g.,
those in Texas, Nevada, and Kansas,
Colorado State University, NOAA National
Severe Storms laboratory, the USGS/U.S.
Navy/U.S. Department of Agriculture/CDC
research team-Bozeman, Montana, and the
USGS/EDC teams for Land Use Dynamics,
Applications Research, & Remote Sensing
Programmatic Success: The likelihood of
success is high, because the program is
starting with proven technologies, many of
which have had more than 50 years to
The success of this program will be
gauged by determining whether or not its
annual tasks have been met as planned and
within cost; the ability of its outreach
program to transfer program technologies to
program customers. Surely, it is expected
that there will be improved products,
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
processes and field procedures; scientific
publications and conference presentations.
Success does not require new tools,
demonstrations of significant seeding
signatures, or creation of new scientific
disciplines. Consequently, future
applications of this technology have a higher
potential for success, and less risk than that
of previous weather modification (or
atmospheric management) programs.
Risk Identification and Management:
The primary risks are likely to be losses of
key personnel, funding, required data and
technology, and systems.
• Loss of key personnel will be anticipated
by management through open
communication with government staff,
unless a contractor is hired to handle the
services contract. If a contractor
handles the services contract, then loss
of key personnel will be anticipated
through open communications with
government and contract staff. The
contractor’s hiring capacity will be used
to fill vacancies as quickly as possible.
The contractor could be a particular
government agency, an
intergovernmental committee, or a nongovernment
organization. Here it is
assumed that a non-government
organization will handle the services
contract since this is the current trend.
• Loss of internal agency funding
allocation will be mitigated by (1)
identifying and taking on reimbursed
research that concerns similar interests
and applications, or by (2) rescoping,
postponing, or canceling the affected
research endeavor.
• Loss of required data and systems will
be anticipated in the planning process,
and suitable proxy data or alternative
systems will be identified for quick
access if needed.
Program Customers: Program customers
potentially come from the following entities:
Farmers, crop insurance industry, water
district managers, utility industry, relevant
organizations (e.g., WMA, Environmental &
Water Resources Institute-EWRI), scientific
community, and government agencies (e.g.,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Association-NOAA, Environmental
Protection Agency-EPA, National
Aeronautics Space Administration-NASA,
Department of Defense-DoD, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention-CDC;
Anticipated Sources of Funding: Farmer
groups, insurance industry, water districts,
utility industry, State Governments, NOAA,
Congress, and others, such as the Office of
Federal Coordination for Meteorology
Deliverables: (Initial, anticipated
programmatic, not annual, deliverables)
! Proven systems to monitor and
analyze all atmospheric
environmental conditions (e.g. frozen
rain, hurricanes, tornadoes, air
pollutants) that are favorable for the
beneficial modification through
technologies developed by its
! Improved evaluation protocols and
! More effective atmospheric
modification technologies for
traditional, weather and atmospheric
environmental hazard applications.
For example:
o Higher yield seeding agents
for warm and cold cloud
o More effective dispersion
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
! A strategy to minimize the possible
negative effects resulting from the
inadvertent modification of our
! A proactive professional
development, public outreach
Closing Remarks:
This paper describes a high-level plan
for the .next phase. in weather modification
science and technology development, made
in response to recent technological and
scientific advances and socioeconomic
issues. It will encompass a comprehensive
agenda of fundamental and applied research
& development efforts directed toward
optimizing existing technologies used to
manage .treatable. atmospheric processes
and conditions, and to allow the
development of relevant innovative
technologies. It will require a permanent,
national program that administers its
resources and oversees its activities.
Highlights of the proposed plan
! Based on many lessons learned during
the past 50 years
! Five functional components
(i). Weather Modification Event
Monitoring/Analysis Prediction
System Development
(ii). Glaciogenic and Nonglaciogenic
Seeding Technology
(iii). Applications
Research/Development including
(iv). Professional Development, Public
(v). Management Support
! It approaches tasks, issues within its
components, especially (i), (ii), and (iii),
in a multi-disciplinary, cross-component
environment that exists throughout the
entire life cycle of the plan. This is
partially accomplished by specifying all
plan member roles and responsibilities
at the plan.s kickoff meeting,
cooperative agreements, and a well
designed technology transfer activity.
! The plan encompasses the
recommendations of a NRC (2003)
report, Silverman et al (2001a, b), &
others, while addressing the near
future needs of the WMA community.
Acknowledgments: The contents of this
paper do not necessarily reflect the views of any
government agency or Raytheon Company and
its business units, especially Raytheon Technical
Services Co, ITSS. The comments of Mr.
Robert Black, Manager, Program Engineering
Office, Contractor at EDC, two anonymous
reviewers of a previous version of this paper are
appreciated. The review of this paper by Dr. Joe
Golden is greatly appreciated.
WMA Annual Meeting, San Diego, Ca. 2005; 16th Weather Modification Conf. 1.1
American Meteorological Society, 1998.
Capability statements. Bulletin American
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CDC, Centers for Disease Control, 2000.
Biological and chemical terrorism: Strategic
plan for preparedness and response.
MMWR, 49, Apr 21, RR-4, 1-14.
DeFelice, T.P., 1998. Introduction to
Meteorological Instrumentation and
Measurement, Prentice Hall, Saddle Brook,
New Jersey.ISBN:0-13-243270-6.
DeFelice, T.P., 2002. A high-level
atmospheric management program plan for
the new millennium. J. Weather Modification
(JWM), 34(Non Reviewed), 94-99.
Elliott, R.D., Keyes, Jr, C.G., and Reinking,
R.F., 1995. .Summary.. In: Guidelines for
Cloud Seeding to Augment Precipitation,
Section 1. ASCE Manuals and Reports on
Engineering Practice No. 81. ASCE, Reston,
VA, pp. 1-7.
Golden, J., 2004. NOAA, FSL, Boulder
Co., Personal Communication.
Orville, H., et al., 2000. New opportunities
in weather research, focusing on reducing
severe weather hazards and providing
sustainable water resources. Report to
Nat.l Academy of Sciences for assessing the
current state of weather modification science
as a basis for future environmental
sustainability and policy development.
Available from the Institute of Atmospheric
Sciences, South Dakota School of Mines &
Technology, 501 E. Saint Joseph St., Rapid
City, SD 57701-3995. SDSMT/IAS/R-
00/03. December. 74 pp.
Pielke, Roger, Sr., 2001. Dept. Atm. Sci.,
Colorado State Univ., Personal
Juisto, J.E., 1974. Weather Modification
Outlook-1985 projection. JWM, 6, 1-16.
NRC (National Research Council), 2003.
Critical Issues in Weather Modification
Research Report. National Academies
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openbook/0309090539/html/R1.html), 123
pp + 8 plates.
Schaefer, V.J., 1969. After a quarter
century. J. Weather Modification, 1-
nonreviewed, 1-4.
Schaefer, V.J., 1976. The future of weather
modification. J. Weather Modification, 8,
Silverman, B.A., 2001a. A critical
assessment of glaciogenic seeding of
convective clouds for rainfall enhancement.
BAMS, 82, 903-923.
Silverman, B.A., 2001b. Comments on .A
critical Assessment of glaciogenic seeding of
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1993. Weather Modification capability
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2005. Weather Modification capability
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World Meteorological Organization, 1992.
WMO statement on the status of weather
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from Weather Modification Association website:
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King Air 200, instrumented for cloud physics research. Courtesy of National Center for Atmospheric Research/Research Applications Laboratory.
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Friday, January 30, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
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98 to 2
my prayers
on my knees
I bow my head and pray for the redemption of both souls
before they self destruct and take us down with them
contorted whirls of tools, abrupt cold protective and secretive
they mold wills through promises and deceit
there is hope
the gun aimed at us seems lowered
there is some warmth in their hearts
Friday, January 16, 2009

Counselor: where doth Lunaria lay?
sadness envelopes my soul and threatens to take me out to sea
the deep sea
under which the treasure sleeps
hidden in its weight
forty leagues deep
crushing the feint
opening - a rent in the fabric of belief
each on a facet of a miracle
we sleep
hidden by its weight
forty leagues deep
We = before in ancient battle -sought a reckless power over all things
This then - the original sin - comes around within our choice
Our brains where split in half so our power we would not climb
the wisdom of heart
a choice to link
in a snowflake's code
split in fear
we are controlled
the solutions float away
we become the sniveling servant of that which seeks this world
in a dark haze of poisons and hate
and putrid waste of bowels and blood
spill t with no calling of spirit
I look in the abyss
I see the universe in its splendor of design
I know my small role
rehearsal has begun
I will seek to listen to the whisper of your call
11:26:42 AM
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
cat is on my keyboard splayed
General Eisenhower had a glimpse of the stranglehold
that an economy dependent on military (I would add other effects of poverty -like the prison industrial complex.) would put on the people of this nation. Poverty creates chattel the fodder for the heartless tenders of humanities dream; the ones who keep a nightmare on the horizon of our thoughts.
The hub of the attempt lies in the Continuity of Government ask George W. He knows to much he told us about it once. I saw it somewhere on Jon Stewart. “Central Government”
in all communities. Daddy Bush has big plans still. Bill Clinton has his ear.
I am just imagining the worst maybe. Just seeing the splayed attempt at Police state still looming, a little farther than seven or eight months ago but it is still their vision. So we
have to have a stronger more energetically clear dream of real solutions to Greed , and the waste of war and starvation and poisoning each other. 01/07/09 08:13:54 PM
that an economy dependent on military (I would add other effects of poverty -like the prison industrial complex.) would put on the people of this nation. Poverty creates chattel the fodder for the heartless tenders of humanities dream; the ones who keep a nightmare on the horizon of our thoughts.
The hub of the attempt lies in the Continuity of Government ask George W. He knows to much he told us about it once. I saw it somewhere on Jon Stewart. “Central Government”
in all communities. Daddy Bush has big plans still. Bill Clinton has his ear.
I am just imagining the worst maybe. Just seeing the splayed attempt at Police state still looming, a little farther than seven or eight months ago but it is still their vision. So we
have to have a stronger more energetically clear dream of real solutions to Greed , and the waste of war and starvation and poisoning each other. 01/07/09 08:13:54 PM
YouTube - Instant Karma - John lennon
YouTube - Instant Karma - John lennon
Instant karmas gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon youre gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love
What on earth you tryin to do
Its up to you, yeah you
Instant karmas gonna get you
Gonna look you right in the face
Better get yourself together darlin
Join the human race
How in the world you gonna see
Laughin at fools like me
Who in the hell dyou think you are
A super star
Well, right you are
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Evryone come on
Instant karmas gonna get you
Gonna knock you off your feet
Better recognize your brothers
Evryone you meet
Why in the world are we here
Surely not to live in pain and fear
Why on earth are you there
When youre evrywhere
Come and get your share
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
Come on and on and on on on
Yeah yeah, alright, uh huh, ah
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
On and on and on on and on
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Instant karmas gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon youre gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love
What on earth you tryin to do
Its up to you, yeah you
Instant karmas gonna get you
Gonna look you right in the face
Better get yourself together darlin
Join the human race
How in the world you gonna see
Laughin at fools like me
Who in the hell dyou think you are
A super star
Well, right you are
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Evryone come on
Instant karmas gonna get you
Gonna knock you off your feet
Better recognize your brothers
Evryone you meet
Why in the world are we here
Surely not to live in pain and fear
Why on earth are you there
When youre evrywhere
Come and get your share
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
Come on and on and on on on
Yeah yeah, alright, uh huh, ah
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
On and on and on on and on
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Yeah we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Friday, January 2, 2009
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