Dear Senate Leader Reid,
I hear you were a golden glove boxer. You must have had courage at that time. now you seem to be aiding and abetting the corruption in Washington DC.
Why can the Republicans just threaten filibuster and you quake like a abandoned child? You don't make them stand and talk for hours and hours but if a Democrat filibusters you make them. Why? Are you sure that you are a Democrat or are you a Corporatist cloaked as a servant of the people, when your real masters are the Lobbyists? We need change. I would like to see you retire your leadership or get some golden cajones.
I wrote the following to the Chairman of the Finance Committee,
Senator Baucus. :
I am horrified by the amount of pressure that the Senators are under, that has caused you to say that 'single payer system is not on the table'.
I thought bribery and blackmail was illegal! It seems that rot is at the core of the way DC does business.. In Washington State, car insurance is mandated and it is getting to be unaffordable. The way it sounds is that the finance committee is setting us up for something that is written by those companies that have been the cause of the health care crisis. I firmly believe that this issue will be a barometer on who is corrupt and who isn't.
You all know what would benefit the majority of your constituents but are swayed by the bribery and blackmail entrenched in Washington DC. If we do not have Public Option in the health care Bill you will have failed us(we the people) and will have shown every American that you and your ilk have succumbed to corruption. You will have the fight of your life to be re-elected for anything. Oh, I guess that won't matter because you can always become a lobbyist.
I pray that you will become a man of courage and morals and will circle the wagons, let the Republicans and Lobbyists have hissy fits while the Democrats stand tall and proud for standing up for the American people.
Sincerely, Nancy Brickman.