the argument that if GW Bush was doing or not doing the things that the Obama Administration is doing and not doing - that we the progressive wing of the democratic party would be screaming and ranting about fascism and corporatism, but since he is our seemingly our only hope we keep relatively silent, with our fingers crossed, we still believe his words, we still want to believe.
The nail that shattered my hope in him came when I read 'the world can't wait' website and then when I read that Obama's justice department had planned to argue to the Supreme Court that prosecutors have complete immunity even if they fabricated evidence in the case of Pottawattamie County v. McGhee,
where two teenagers were framed and spent more than 25 years of their lives in prison and were seeking remedies and justice through the court system for stealing 25 years of their lives. The case was settled out of court but the Obama Administration was prepared to argue that their was no constitutional protection from being framed...... this makes me alert to Obama as a figure head only and that our government is like Gothem City and Obama is like Harvey Dent, in the Dark Knight We need a hero but we also need the truth I won't say who I would cast as the Joker but I will say I want Rahm fired and Justice Roberts Arrested. Where are our Heros? I think it is us, Each one of us. so I will ask again: What is Your Super Power?